Fluffy Japanese Soufflé Pancakes

If you\’ve ever scrolled through Instagram and found yourself drooling over pictures of fluffy, jiggly pancakes with ripples so defined they could put the ocean to shame, then you\’re in luck. They are introducing the dark horse of the pancake world – the Japanese soufflé pancake. These pancakes are all the rage in Japan and slowly reach breakfast tables worldwide.

Their unique texture makes Japanese soufflé pancakes different from your ordinary pancake. They are incredibly light and airy, with a cotton-like fluffiness that is hard to resist. It\’s like biting into a sweet, pillowy cloud that gently melts in your mouth. No wonder they\’ve become an internet sensation!

The key to achieving that perfect soufflé pancake experience lies in the technique. Unlike traditional pancakes, Japanese soufflé pancakes require more time, effort, and patience. But trust me, it\’s well worth it. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your whisk, and let\’s get flipping!

What are Japanese soufflé pancakes?

Japanese soufflé pancakes are a popular fluffy dessert snack that originated in Japan. These pancakes are known for their light and airy texture, similar to a soufflé. They are made by separating the egg whites from the yolks, beating them until frothy, and then folding them into the batter to create a delicate and fluffy pancake.

Unlike regular pancakes, Japanese soufflé pancakes are much larger and thicker. They are typically made using a ring mold to help maintain their shape while cooking. The pancakes are cooked on low heat to ensure they cook evenly and rise to their fluffy texture.

One of the critical techniques for making Japanese soufflé pancakes is to stabilize the beaten egg whites. This is usually done by adding granulated sugar to the egg whites while beating them. The sugar helps create a stable foam, making the pancakes fluffy and eggy.

You will need some technical skills and practice to make Japanese soufflé pancakes. It is essential to beat the egg whites until they reach a stiff peak stage and then fold them gently into the batter to avoid deflating them. The folding process should be done slowly and evenly using a spoon or a spatula to ensure that the egg whites are well incorporated without being overmixed.

Japanese soufflé pancakes are usually served as a dessert or a sweet treat. They can be garnished with toppings such as fresh fruit, whipped cream, maple syrup, or powdered sugar. Some popular variations include mango soufflé pancakes, matcha soufflé pancakes, or even chocolate soufflé pancakes.

If you plan to make Japanese soufflé pancakes at home, ensure you have the necessary equipment and ingredients. You will need a sizeable heatproof dish or a skillet with a lid, a ring mold or a cookie cutter, and non-stick cooking spray or butter to grease the pan. The essential ingredients for the pancakes include all-purpose flour, baking powder, milk, sugar, salt, vanilla extract, and eggs.

Japanese soufflé pancakes require a longer cooking time compared to regular pancakes. They should be cooked over low heat to ensure that the inside of the pancake is fully cooked while the outside is still fluffy and golden brown. It is essential to be patient and flip the pancakes carefully to avoid any deflating or collapsing.

Japanese soufflé pancakes are a delight to eat and make and will impress your family and friends. They make a perfect breakfast treat or a special dessert for any occasion. Whether you are a pancake enthusiast or looking for a unique and delicious snack, Japanese soufflé pancakes are a must-try!

If you have any tips, tricks, or troubleshooting, we would love to hear them. Leave a comment below to share your experience and help others in their soufflé pancake-making journey. We hope this article has inspired you to try making Japanese soufflé pancakes at home. Thank you, and good luck!

Ingredients you will need

For these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • Two tablespoons caster sugar
  • One tablespoon of baking powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • Three large eggs, separated into yolks and whites
  • Three tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • Assorted toppings of your choice

Ensure you have all of these ingredients before making the pancakes. It\’s always recommended to measure the ingredients precisely for the best results. If you don’t have a kitchen scale, use measuring spoons and cups for accurate measurements.

A stand or hand mixer will make the process much easier, but you can still beat the egg whites by hand if you don’t have one. Just be prepared for a more technical process and a slightly longer winning time.

Ensure your mixing bowl is clean and free from grease; even a tiny amount can prevent the egg whites from reaching their total volume. You can wipe your bowl with vinegar or lemon juice to ensure it is grease-free.

The meringue is crucial for creating tall and fluffy pancakes, so beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. When you lift the beaters or whisk out of the mixture, the peaks should hold their shape without folding over or deflating.

If your meringue is not holding its shape, it could be due to various reasons. Make sure your egg whites are separated from the yolks without any traces of yolks, as even a small amount of yolk can inhibit the whipping process. Also, check for any leftover grease or dark specks in your mixing bowl, as these can interfere with the stability of the meringue.

Do it gently and thoroughly when folding the batter to avoid deflating the egg whites. Use a whisk or a spoon to incorporate the batter, making sure to reach the bottom of the bowl. Fold the batter in a circular motion, starting from the bottom and moving towards the center. Repeat this motion until the batter is uniform, primarily with minimal streaks of egg whites.

For the perfect soufflé pancakes, you should cook them on low heat and cover the pan with a heatproof lid. This will create gentle steam that helps the pancakes rise evenly and prevents them from burning on the bottom.

Lastly, grease your pan with butter or cooking spray before adding the batter. This will prevent the pancakes from sticking and make it easier to flip them without tearing. When scanning the pancakes, use a wide spatula and be gentle to avoid deflating them.

Now that you know what ingredients you need and the techniques involved, you can start making fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes. Enjoy!

How to make these jiggly Japanese soufflé pancakes

If you\’ve ever seen fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes on Instagram and wondered how to make them, you\’re in for a treat. These pancakes are a technical challenge, but the result is worth it. The jiggly texture and cotton-like taste make them an ideal brunch or snack option.

To make these pancakes, you\’ll need a few key ingredients. For the soufflé base, you\’ll need egg yolks, sugar, all-purpose flour, and vinegar. The vinegar helps to stabilize the egg whites and creates a super frothy consistency. You\’ll also need caster sugar, which gives the pancakes a slightly sweet flavor.

Start by whisking the egg yolks and caster sugar in a heatproof bowl until they become frothy. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks. Then, gradually add the caster sugar, whisking constantly until you achieve stiff peaks.

In a third bowl, sift the all-purpose flour and then filter it again. This will ensure no clumps and that the pancakes turn light and fluffy. Gently fold the flour into the egg yolk mixture, careful not to overmix. You want to incorporate the flour just enough to combine everything.

Next, carefully fold a small amount of the egg white mixture into the batter to lighten it. Then, fold the remaining egg white mixture, ensuring it does not overmix. The batter should be slightly lumpy but well incorporated.

Heat a non-stick frying pan over low heat and place round metal cooking rings in the pan. Grease the inside of each ring with a bit of oil. Spoon the pancake batter into each ring, filling them about halfway. Cook the pancakes for about 3-4 minutes, then carefully flip them over and cook for another 3-4 minutes on the other side. This flipping technique helps to achieve the jiggly texture.

Transfer the cooked pancakes to a serving plate and garnish with your favorite toppings. Fresh fruit, whipped cream, syrup, and powdered sugar are recommended. You can also find creative variations like mango-flavored pancakes or matcha-flavored pancakes.

One note of caution: these pancakes tend to be slightly heavy, so they are best enjoyed in moderation. They make a delightful treat; the round shape and fluffy texture will impress your guests.

Tips for making jiggly Japanese soufflé pancakes:
– Be sure to separate the egg yolks and whites carefully. Any traces of yolk in the whites can hinder the peak formation.
– Incorporating the flour into the batter should be done gently. Overmixing can result in dense pancakes.
– Using a round metal cooking ring helps the pancakes maintain their shape. If you don’t have these, you can use a cookie cutter or mold as an alternative.
– Adding vinegar to the egg whites will stabilize them and help achieve the desired frothy consistency.
– Cook the pancakes over low heat to ensure they cook evenly without burning.
– Feel free to get creative with your toppings and flavors. The options are endless!

Thanks to Darlene and her Instagram account for sharing the Recipe and tips.

Make the soufflé pancake batter.

To make fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes, you\’ll need key ingredients and helpful tips to achieve the perfect texture and taste. Here\’s what you\’ll need:

  • Three large eggs separated
  • 60 grams (1/4 cup) of granulated sugar
  • 60 milliliters (1/4 cup) whole milk
  • One teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt
  • 60 grams (1/2 cup) all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

Now, let\’s begin the process:

  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, milk, vanilla extract, and salt until well combined.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the flour and baking powder. Then, slowly incorporate the dry ingredients into the egg yolk mixture, whisking until the batter is smooth and well combined.
  3. In another clean bowl, beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until frothy. Add the cream of tartar and continue to beat until stiff peaks form. The egg whites should be glossy and hold their shape when the whisk is lifted.
  4. Gently fold the whipped egg whites into the batter using a spatula. Be careful not to overmix, as this may deflate the air bubbles in the meringue, resulting in less fluffy pancakes.
  5. Heat a non-stick pan or griddle over low to medium heat. Lightly grease the surface with butter or oil.
  6. Spoon or pipe the batter onto the pan using a spoon or a piping bag, creating round pancake shapes. Remember that the batter will spread and puff up, so don’t make them too large.
  7. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the pancakes for 3-4 minutes until the bottoms are golden brown. Flip the pancakes gently and cook for 2-3 minutes or until the other side is golden brown.
  8. Transfer the cooked pancakes to a plate and serve them immediately while still fluffy and jiggly in the center.
  9. You can serve the pancakes with maple syrup, fresh fruits, whipped cream, or any other toppings you prefer. Enjoy your homemade fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes!

Remember, making these pancakes may require some practice, but don’t worry if your first attempt doesn’t turn out as perfectly as desired. Troubleshoots could include adjusting the stovetop heat, incorporating the meringue more gently, or doubling the Recipe if needed. The key is to have patience and not to overmix the batter. With a bit of practice and some lucky flips, you\’ll soon be able to create beautifully fluffy pancakes that will make your family happy!

Their light and airy texture makes fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes a popular dessert or breakfast item worldwide. The pancakes are slightly sweetened and have a delicate taste that pairs well with various toppings. Whether you\’re a pancake enthusiast or have never tried making pancakes, give this Recipe a go and enjoy the delightfully fluffy results.

Cook the pancakes

Once your batter is ready, it\’s time to start cooking the pancakes. Here\’s a step-by-step process to ensure you get those perfect, fluffy soufflé pancakes:

  1. Preheat your non-stick frying pan or griddle over low heat. It should be heatproof and have a lid that fits well.
  2. Add a small amount of cooking oil or butter to the pan and spread it around to grease the surface. This will prevent the pancakes from sticking.
  3. Scoop about 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake onto the preheated pan. Adjust the amount if you want to make smaller or larger pancakes.
  4. Cover the pan with the lid and let the pancakes cook for about 5 minutes. This gentle cooking process will help the pancakes rise evenly without burning the bottom.
  5. After 5 minutes, remove the lid and check if the pancakes have turned slightly golden and have visible ripples. Suppose they haven’t, cover the lid and continue cooking for another minute.
  6. Once the bottoms of the pancakes have cooked to your liking, it\’s time to flip them. Using a spatula or two, carefully flip the pancakes over. This can be tricky, so be patient and gentle to avoid deflating the pancakes.
  7. Cook the pancakes for another 3-4 minutes on the other side until they are cooked through and golden brown.
  8. Transfer the cooked pancakes to a plate and cover them with a clean kitchen towel to keep them warm while you cook the remaining batter.

Adjust the cooking time and heat based on your stove and pan. You may also find greasing the pan slightly between batches helpful, especially if the pancakes start sticking.

Once all the pancakes are cooked, you can serve them as is or top them with your favorite toppings. Some popular options include whipped cream, fresh fruits, maple syrup, or a dusting of powdered sugar.

Now that you know how to cook these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes, you can enjoy making them home. They taste delicious and make for an impressive Instagram-worthy breakfast or brunch. Thanks to their airy texture and rich flavor, they will become a favorite in your Kitchen.

Pro tip: If you\’re looking for an extra-fluffy texture, you can separate the egg yolks and whites. Beat the egg whites to stiff peaks and fold them into the batter. This will give the pancakes an ever lighter and airier texture.

Recipe tips

When making these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes, it is recommended to use an electric mixer for the best results. Beating the egg whites until they reach stiff peaks is crucial for achieving the desired fluffy texture. Use a gentle whisking motion when beating the egg whites to avoid deflating them.

A heavy stovetop griddle or frying pan is needed to cook the pancakes evenly. Make sure to heat the pan over medium-low heat, as too much heat can cause the pancakes to burn. To prevent sticking, wipe the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil or butter before cooking each pancake.

When measuring the dry ingredients, it is essential to use a measuring tool, such as a kitchen scale or measuring cups, to ensure accurate amounts. Caster sugar is recommended for this Recipe, as it dissolves more quickly than regular white sugar. You can also use powdered sugar if you don’t have caster sugar.

When folding the beaten egg whites into the pancake batter, be gentle to avoid deflating the mixture. Use a spatula or rubber scraper and incorporate the egg whites thoroughly, but don’t overmix.

For a super fluffy result, Darlene, a family member, always recommended using an extra round of whisking just before cooking. This helps incorporate excess air into the batter, making even fluffier pancakes.

If you don’t have an electric mixer, you can still make these pancakes by whisking the egg whites vigorously by hand until they form soft peaks. It will require more effort and time, but the results will still be delicious.

Unlike traditional pancake recipes, which mainly use all-purpose flour, this Recipe also includes cornstarch. The cornstarch helps give the pancakes a lighter texture and prevents them from deflating too much.

When cooking the pancakes, keeping the heat low and simmering them is essential. This allows the inside to cook through without burning the outside. The pancakes should be cooked until they are golden brown on both sides.

After removing the pancakes from the pan, cover them with a clean kitchen towel to keep them warm and soft until serving. These fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes are best enjoyed immediately, as they may deflate slightly over time.

If you\’re lucky enough to have leftovers, you can store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. To reheat, gently heat the pancakes in a microwave or oven until warm. They won’t be as fluffy as when freshly cooked, but they will still be delicious.

Now, it\’s time to enjoy your fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes with your favorite toppings, such as maple syrup, powdered sugar, or fresh fruit. Bon appétit!

Best tool for shaping soufflé pancakes

If you want to make the perfect fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes, you\’ll need a unique tool to help shape them just right. While there are a few different options, one tool that comes to mind is a large, round spoon.

The large, round spoon is ideal for shaping soufflé pancakes because it allows you to scoop up the batter and place it onto the grill or pan. The spoon\’s curved shape helps create the signature fluffy and jiggly texture that these pancakes are known for.

When using a large, round spoon, it\’s important to note that the spoon size can vary based on personal preference. Some recipes may call for a smaller or larger spoon, so adjust accordingly. Additionally, you may find that a heavy-duty spoon works best, as it helps distribute the batter evenly and prevents it from deflating.

If you don’t have a large, round spoon, don’t worry. Another tool that can be used is a small measuring cup. The measurement cup can be used to pour the pancake batter onto the griddle in a controlled manner, creating uniform and fluffy pancakes.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when using a large, round spoon or a small measuring cup:

  • Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the batter. This helps maintain the fluffy texture and prevents the batter from becoming dense.
  • If your soufflé pancakes tend to be less fluffy, try adding a small amount of cream of tartar or lemon juice to the beaten egg whites. This will help stabilize the meringue and create more volume.
  • Aim for a relatively thick portion of batter when scooping the batter onto the griddle or pan. This will yield a taller pancake with a light and airy interior.
  • After placing the batter on the grill, cover the pancakes with a lid to trap the heat and steam. This will help them cook evenly and prevent the tops from deflating.
  • Cook the pancakes on low to medium heat. This slow cooking process allows the pancakes to rise and cook evenly without burning.
  • If you prefer a slightly tart flavor, substitute some of the milk in the Recipe with fruit juice or add a splash of lemon juice. This will add a pleasant tanginess to the pancakes.
  • When flipping the pancakes, use a spatula to turn them over gently. Be careful not to press down too hard, as this can cause the pancakes to deflate.

With the right tools and these tips in mind, you\’ll be well on your way to making the most delicious and fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes. Happy cooking!

Common troubleshoots

  • If your soufflé pancakes don’t rise as much as you expected, try doubling the baking soda and baking powder amounts in the Recipe. This should help create more lift.
  • If your pancakes are still not fluffy, ensure you are not overmixing the batter. It\’s essential to gently combine the wet and dry ingredients until just incorporated. Overmixing can lead to a denser pancake.
  • If your pancakes are not jiggly in the middle, they may need a longer cooking time. Keep them on the heat for a few extra minutes until the center is no longer gooey and jiggly.
  • If your pancakes are sticking to the pan, grease the pan well with butter or oil before pouring the batter. Also, clean the pan between batches to prevent excess grease from burning.
  • When folding the egg whites into the batter, be gentle to avoid deflating them. Use a spatula and fold until no streaks of egg whites are visible, but be careful not to overmix.
  • Check your ingredients to see if your pancakes are becoming flat and dense instead of tall and fluffy. Ensure you use fresh baking soda and baking powder, as expired ones may not yield the desired results.
  • If your pancakes are not fully cooked on the inside, try lowering the temperature of your stove or switching to a lower heat mode. This will allow the pancakes to cook through without browning too quickly on the outside.
  • If your pancakes are slightly wet or gooey in the center, reduce the milk in the Recipe. Too much liquid can prevent the pancakes from cooking evenly.
  • If your pancakes are breaking apart when flipping, cook them until they are fully set on one side before attempting to scan. A good indicator is when you can easily slide a spatula under the pancake without sticking.
  • If you\’re ever in doubt about the consistency of your pancake batter, follow the written recipe measurements precisely. This will help ensure the perfect balance of ingredients for fluffy pancakes.

Lastly, don’t be discouraged if your first attempt at making soufflé pancakes doesn’t turn out as you had hoped. It takes practice to get the technique right, and even experienced bakers encounter challenges. Stay patient and experiment until you find the best method for you. Happy pancake making!

Deflated soufflé pancakes

The key to fluffy soufflé pancakes lies in incorporating air into the batter. This is typically achieved by separating the egg whites and yolks, then whipping the whites to stiff peaks before gently folding them back into the batter. An electric mixer or a whisk is essential for this process, as it allows you to whip the egg whites to the desired consistency.

When it comes to measurements, accuracy is crucial. Using a kitchen scale to weigh the ingredients will help ensure the batter is appropriately balanced. A common mistake is using too much liquid, such as milk, which can make the batter too thin and result in deflated pancakes. Similarly, using too much all-purpose flour can make the batter too thick and lead to dense pancakes. Remember that Japanese soufflé pancake recipes often call for cake flour, which has a lower protein content and contributes to a lighter texture.

Another essential factor to consider is the cooking method. While some recipes call for stovetop cooking, others use an oven or a combination. Stovetop cooking tends to be more challenging, as maintaining a consistent temperature can be difficult. It\’s also important to note that the pancakes will rise above the sides of the pan while cooking, so be sure to choose a pan with high sides to accommodate this.

One common mistake that causes pancakes to deflate is flipping them too early. Patience is vital – wait until the bottom of the pancake is golden brown and the top is set before attempting to scan. Many recipes recommend using a spatula or two spoons to carefully flip the pancakes, as tongs or fingers may damage their delicate structure.

The cooking time can vary depending on the thickness of the pancakes and the heat of your cooking surface. Keep a close eye on the pancakes and adjust the heat to avoid burning. It\’s better to cook the pancakes on low heat for a longer time to ensure they cook evenly and maintain their fluffiness.

Once the pancakes are cooked, you should serve them immediately. Fluffy soufflé pancakes tend to deflate over time as the air pockets collapse. A little confectioner \’ sugar, fruit, or maple syrup can add a touch of flavor and sweetness. Enjoy them as a delicious breakfast, brunch, or snack with your family or friends!

Now that you have all the tips and tricks give the fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes another try. Don’t worry if your first attempt isn’t perfect – like any other skill, practice makes perfect. Keep experimenting and tweaking the Recipe until you find the right ingredients, techniques, and cooking time balance. Happy cooking!

Soufflé pancakes are raw on the inside or too dark on the outside

When making soufflé pancakes, one common issue many encounter is the pancakes being plain in the middle or too dark outside. While these fluffy Japanese pancakes may seem challenging to get just right, you can achieve the perfect texture and taste with practice and attention to detail.

Here are a few tips to help you overcome these common problems:

  1. Whipped egg whites: Whipped egg whites are the key to achieving a light and fluffy texture in soufflé pancakes. Be sure to beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, but be careful not to overbeat them. Overheating can cause the pancakes to deflate, resulting in a denser texture.
  2. Gentle folding: Be gentle to avoid deflating the whipped egg whites into the pancake batter. Use a rubber spatula and fold the egg whites into the batter using a figure-eight or swirling motion. This will help maintain the airiness of the batter.
  3. Cooking temperature: Soufflé pancakes require a low and slow cooking method to ensure even cooking. Use a low heat setting on your stovetop or a pancake-specific mode on an electric grill. This helps prevent the pancakes from being raw inside while maintaining a slightly golden, fluffy exterior.
  4. Pan preparation: Ensure your pan is heated correctly and lightly greased before cooking the pancakes. A smooth surface of a non-stick pan or skillet works well for this. You can also use a cookie cutter or a metal ring to help the pancakes hold their shape and cook more evenly.
  5. Timing: Keep a close eye on the pancakes while cooking, and adjust the heat if necessary. Flip them gently when the bottoms are golden brown, and cook on the other side for 2-3 minutes until fully cooked. Cooking times may vary, so it\’s essential to find the right balance between undercooking and overcooking.

By following these tips and techniques, you can overcome the challenges of soufflé pancake cooking and achieve perfect, fluffy results every time. With a bit of practice, you\’ll master the art of making these delightful, Instagram-worthy pancakes that will impress your family and friends.

Soufflé pancakes taste eggy

Their unique flavor is what sets them apart when it comes to fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes. These delightful treats have a distinct eggy taste thanks to the use of egg whites in the Recipe. The egg whites are separated from the yolks and whipped to create a frothy meringue-like texture, carefully folded into the pancake batter. This method gives the pancakes an airy and light structure with a flavor reminiscent of a soft and fluffy soufflé.

The eggy taste might put some off, but it is an absolute delight for many. If you are a fan of egg flavor and enjoy dishes like custards or quiches, then soufflé pancakes might be right up your alley. The eggy taste is not overpowering but adds a subtle richness to the overall flavor of the pancake. It pairs exceptionally well with sweet toppings like syrup, fruit compote, or even a dollop of whipped cream.

If you prefer a less eggy flavor, some recipes call for fewer egg whites or a combination of whole and egg whites. This allows for a milder taste while preserving the pancakes’ signature fluffy texture.

One important thing to keep in mind when making soufflé pancakes is the technique of whipping the egg whites. It requires some practice to get it just right. The egg whites should be beaten to stiff peaks, which means they hold their shape when the whisk is lifted. To achieve this, ensure your mixing bowl and whisk are clean and dry, as any grease or moisture can prevent the whites from whipping properly. Adding a small amount of cream of tartar to the egg whites can also help stabilize them.

When folding the whipped egg whites into the pancake batter, be gentle to avoid deflating them. Use a rubber spatula or a large spoon to carefully fold the whites into the batter in a slow and circular motion. The goal is to incorporate the whites while keeping as much air and volume as possible. This will ensure that your pancakes are light, fluffy, and airy.

Once the batter is mixed, it\’s time to cook the pancakes. Heat a heavy, non-stick pan or griddle over low to medium heat. Make sure not to cook the pancakes on high heat, as they may burn on the outside before being cooked inside. Use a measuring cup or a cookie scoop to transfer a portion of the batter onto the preheated pan. The pancakes will spread and rise while cooking, so give them some space. Cook them for a few minutes on each side, flipping them once the edges look slightly set. The result should be golden brown pancakes cooked through and still super fluffy in the middle.

If you\’ve followed all the steps, you should yield soufflé pancakes that taste slightly eggy but have a wonderfully light and airy texture. They are perfect for a weekend brunch or as a special treat. You can enjoy them just as they are or top them with your favorite fruits, syrups, or powdered sugar. These pancakes are a delight and will impress your family and friends. Happy pancake making!</p

Meringue doesn’t whip up.

It can be disappointing and frustrating if your meringue doesn’t whip up. But don’t worry; some troubleshooting tips might help you achieve that fluffy, frothy peak you\’re after.

First, make sure you\’re using the recommended tools and ingredients. A large, clean bowl and a whisk or an electric mixer with a whisk attachment are essential for creating a light and airy meringue. Using a rubber or silicone spatula, gently fold the portion of egg whites into the rest of the mixture. Over-mixing can cause the meringue to deflate.

Another critical factor is the quality of your egg whites. Fresh egg whites yield better results, so make sure you\’re using fresh eggs. If your egg whites are too old or stored improperly, they may not whip up properly.

Some people also swear by adding a small amount of vinegar or cream of tartar to their egg whites. This helps stabilize the meringue and allows it to hold its shape better. Just add these ingredients at the beginning of the whisking process.

If your meringue still isn’t whipping up, you may need to adjust the mixing time or speed. Start on a low speed and gradually increase to medium-high speed. Stop mixing when the meringue forms soft peaks that slightly curl over when the whisk is lifted. Overmixing can cause the meringue to break down and become deflated.

If you\’re using a stovetop to cook your pancakes, make sure the heat is set to a low or medium-low setting. Cooking on high heat can cause the pancakes to cook too quickly and fix before they can rise.

Remember that experience plays a significant role in achieving the perfect meringue. Sometimes, it takes a few attempts before you get it just right. Don’t be discouraged if your first batch doesn’t turn out as planned. With practice and patience, you\’ll be able to master the art of fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes.


What makes Japanese soufflé pancakes different from regular pancakes?

Japanese soufflé pancakes are known for their tall and fluffy texture. They are made by incorporating beaten egg whites into the pancake batter, which creates a light and airy consistency. Regular pancakes are usually denser and thicker in comparison.

How do Japanese soufflé pancakes taste?

Japanese soufflé pancakes have a delicate and airy texture, resulting in a light and fluffy bite. They are less sweet and have a subtle eggy flavor. The addition of toppings and sauces can enhance the overall taste.

How do I keep my soufflé pancakes from deflating?

To prevent your soufflé pancakes from deflating, take care when folding the beaten egg whites into the batter. Use a gentle folding motion to incorporate the egg whites, being careful not to overmix. This helps to preserve the airiness of the pancakes.

What is the ideal way to measure the flour for soufflé pancakes?

For best results, weighing the flour using a kitchen scale to ensure an accurate measurement is recommended. You can use the spoon and level method if you don’t have a scale. This involves spooning the flour into a measuring cup and leveling it off with a knife.

Can I use a different flavor besides mango for soufflé pancakes?

Yes, you can use a variety of flavors for your soufflé pancakes. Some popular alternatives include berry compote, chocolate sauce, or matcha powder. Feel free to experiment with different flavors to suit your taste preferences.

How do I get the signature jiggly and visible ripples in my soufflé pancakes?

To achieve the jiggly and visible ripples in your soufflé pancakes, cooking them on low heat is essential. This slow cooking allows the batter to rise evenly, resulting in the desired texture and appearance.

Can I use a regular non-stick pan to make soufflé pancakes?

A heatproof ramekin or a special soufflé pancake pan is recommended for best results. These pans have tall sides and a removable bottom, making it easier to flip and cook the pancakes evenly. However, a regular non-stick pan can still be used if you don’t have access to these pans.

How do I fold the egg whites into the pancake batter?

To fold the beaten egg whites into the pancake batter, use a rubber spatula and make gentle, sweeping motions. Add a small portion of the beaten egg whites to the batter and fold it gently. Then, gradually add the rest of the egg whites, careful not to deflate them.

How long should I cook the soufflé pancakes?

The cooking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the pancakes. Generally, it takes 3-4 minutes per side on low heat to achieve a golden brown color and a cooked interior. Adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure that the pancakes are fully cooked.

Can I make the soufflé pancake batter in advance?

The soufflé pancake batter is best prepared just before cooking. If you want to save time, you can prepare the dry ingredients in advance and mix them with the wet ingredients when you cook. This helps to ensure that the pancakes are as fluffy as possible.

Do I need to grease the pan before cooking the soufflé pancakes?

It is recommended to lightly grease the pan before cooking the soufflé pancakes. This helps to prevent sticking and allows for easier flipping. Use a small amount of butter or oil and spread it evenly on the pan\’s surface.

Is the addition of whipped cream necessary?

The addition of whipped cream is optional and depends on personal preference. Whipped cream not only adds flavor but also enhances the overall presentation of the soufflé pancakes. You can also garnish the pancakes with fruits, syrup, or other toppings.

How can I troubleshoot if my soufflé pancakes don’t rise as tall as they should?

If your soufflé pancakes don’t rise as tall as expected, beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Additionally, be gentle when folding the egg whites into the batter to avoid deflating them. Also, ensure that your baking powder is fresh and active.

Can I make Japanese soufflé pancakes on electric stovetops?

Yes, you can make Japanese soufflé pancakes on electric stovetops. Adjust the heat to low or medium-low to ensure even cooking and prevent burning. Remember that cooking time may vary depending on your specific stovetop\’s settings.

Where can I share photos of my Japanese soufflé pancakes?

Share your delicious creation on Instagram and use #JapaneseSoufflePancakes to connect with other food enthusiasts and show off your fluffy pancakes!

Are the egg yolks used in Japanese soufflé pancakes raw?

No, the egg yolks used in Japanese soufflé pancakes are not raw. They are fully cooked during cooking, ensuring the pancakes are safe to eat.

📖 Recipe

If you\’re a fan of fluffy pancakes, then you\’re in for a treat with this Japanese soufflé pancake recipe! These pancakes are incredibly light and airy, with a melt-in-your-mouth texture that \ is hard to resist. While they take a little longer to cook than regular pancakes, the result is worth it.

Here\’s a step-by-step guide to help you turn out perfect Japanese soufflé pancakes:

  1. Whisk the egg yolks, milk, and vanilla extract in a large mixing bowl until well combined.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until they reach stiff peaks. It\’s recommended to add a small amount of cream of tartar to help stabilize the egg whites.
  3. Gently fold the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture, careful not to overmix. This will help keep the pancakes light and fluffy.
  4. Place a non-stick pan or griddle over low to medium heat and lightly grease it with butter or cooking spray.
  5. Scoop the pancake batter onto the pan, using a round metal ring or mason jar lid to help achieve the signature tall shape. The batter should be enough to make about three fluffy pancakes.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the pancakes for 5-7 minutes or until the bottom is golden brown.
  7. Carefully flip the pancakes using a spatula and cook the other side for 5-7 minutes. Flipping the pancakes can be tricky, so be gentle and take your time.
  8. Once the pancakes are cooked through, transfer them to a plate and serve them immediately.
  9. Top the pancakes with your favorite toppings, such as fresh fruit, whipped cream, maple syrup, or sweetened condensed milk. Mango syrup is also an excellent choice for a tropical flavor.

And there you have it! A delicious batch of Japanese soufflé pancakes that are sure to impress. Please take a moment to admire their fluffy texture and enjoy every bite.

If you have any trouble with the Recipe, please comment below, and I\’ll be glad to help you troubleshoot. Happy flipping!

Fluffy Japanese Soufflé Pancakes

Fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes are a delightful treat that will make you happy with every bite. These pancakes are not like your typical ones; they are light, airy, and perfectly cooked. The secret to making these fluffy pancakes is incorporating whipped egg whites into the pancake batter, giving them a soufflé-like texture.

To make these pancakes, start by separating the egg whites from the yolks. In a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks until they are well beaten. Then add the milk, sugar, and vanilla extract, and whisk everything together until well combined. Wash the egg whites and a tablespoon of vinegar in another bowl until they form stiff peaks.

Next, use a spatula to fold the whipped egg whites into the pancake batter gently. Be careful not to overmix; you want to keep as much air as possible in the batter to make the pancakes fluffy. If the batter is too thick, add a little milk to thin it out.

Once the batter is ready, heat a non-stick pan or griddle over low heat. Grease the pan with butter or cooking spray and wipe off any excess. Scoop about ¼ cup of the pancake batter onto the pan for each pancake. You can use a round cookie cutter or a metal ring mold to help shape the pancakes into a perfect circle.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook the pancakes for about 5 minutes or until the bottom is golden brown. Then, carefully flip the pancakes using a spatula and cook for another 5 minutes until they are cooked through and fluffy. Note: These pancakes will take longer to cook than traditional pancakes due to their soft nature.

Once the pancakes are cooked, remove them from the pan and stack them on a plate. Serve them warm with your favorite toppings, such as maple syrup, fruit, whipped cream, or even a dollop of mango sauce. These pancakes are great for breakfast, brunch, or any time you\’re in the mood for something different.

Fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes are a delightful and unique twist on a classic breakfast staple. Getting them right requires a little extra effort and practice, but the result is worth it. Don’t be discouraged if your first few attempts don’t turn out perfectly; making these pancakes is as much about the process as the final product. Enjoy!


Here are the ingredients you will need to make fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes:

Granulated sugarThree tablespoonsFor the egg white mixture
Egg yolks3Separated from the egg whites
Vegetable oilThree tablespoonsFor the batter
Milk1/3 cupWhole milk is recommended
All-purpose flour1/2 cup
Baking powder1/2 tablespoon
SaltOne pinch
Cream of tartar1/2 teaspoonTo stabilize the whipped egg whites
Whipped creamFor serving
Maple syrupFor serving

Note: You can adjust the flavor of the pancakes by adding different toppings or fillings of your choice.

These soufflé pancakes become light and fluffy with a jiggly texture thanks to whipped egg whites. However, they may deflate slightly after being flipped, which is normal. If you want to troubleshoot this, you can practice making them in a non-flip mode, where you cook them mostly on one side without flipping.

Whisk together the egg whites and granulated sugar for the egg white mixture until frothy and stiff peaks form. The peaks should be able to hold their shape and not collapse when the whisk is lifted.

Whisk together the egg yolks, vegetable oil, milk, all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt in a separate bowl until well combined. Then, gently fold in the whipped egg whites using a spatula. Be careful not to overmix; this may deflate the egg whites and make the pancakes less fluffy.

Heat a non-stick pan or an electric skillet over low heat to cook the pancakes. Scoop the batter onto the pan using a measuring cup or an ice cream scoop. The size of the pancakes can be adjusted according to your preference.

Cook the pancakes for about 3 minutes until small ripples appear on the surface. Then, using a spatula, carefully flip the pancakes and cook for another 2-3 minutes until they are golden brown and cooked.

Transfer the pancakes to a plate and serve them immediately with whipped cream and maple syrup. Enjoy!

Please reply to this post with any questions or comments about the Recipe. Happy cooking!


Whipping a batch of fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes is a delightful and rewarding experience. To make these pancakes, please remember that some practice may be needed to perfect the technique. But don’t worry; with a bit of luck, you\’ll soon be able to enjoy these light and airy treats.

First, gather all the ingredients you\’ll need. You\’ll want to have an electric mixer on hand to whip the egg whites to the perfect peak thoroughly. Don’t forget to have sweetened condensed milk, vinegar, and baking powder in your pantry, as these are crucial ingredients in creating the fluffiness of the pancakes.

Combine the egg yolks and sweetened condensed milk in a large heatproof bowl. Whisk them together until fully incorporated. In a separate bowl, mix the flour and baking powder. Slowly add the dry mixture to the egg yolk mixture, folding gently to combine.

In another bowl, beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Add the vinegar and continue to beat until stiff peaks form. This step is crucial to stabilize the egg whites and prevent the pancakes from deflating during cooking.

Gently fold the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture, careful not to overmix. You want to maintain as much air as possible in the batter to create a fluffy texture. The batter may have some lumps, and that\’s okay; it will give the pancakes a nice texture.

Preheat a non-stick pan or an electric skillet over low heat. If you\’re using an electric grill, set it to about 300°F (150°C). Grease the surface with a little bit of butter or cooking spray. Make sure the surface is evenly coated.

Scoop a portion of the batter onto the pan or griddle, creating round discs about 3 inches in diameter. Cover the pan and let the pancakes cook slowly, allowing them to rise and become golden brown. This can take anywhere between 3 to 5 minutes.

Carefully flip the pancakes using two spatulas or chopsticks. Be gentle to avoid deflating them. Continue cooking for another 3 to 5 minutes until the pancakes are cooked through and fluffy. If the pancakes are browning too quickly, reduce the heat slightly. You want the pancakes to be cooked through without burning the bottoms.

Transfer the cooked pancakes onto a plate and cover them with a clean kitchen towel to keep them warm. Repeat the process with the remaining batter, adding more butter or cooking spray to prevent sticking.

Once all the pancakes are cooked, add your favorite toppings and garnishes. Fresh fruit like mango slices, whipped cream, or a drizzle of maple syrup are great choices to complement the flavor of the pancakes. Darlene\’s Kitchen also recommends a dollop of cookie dough ice cream for an indulgent twist.

Enjoy your homemade fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes for a special brunch or any time you\’re in the mood for a sweet treat. They are worth the effort and will impress your family and friends!

Let us know in the comments below how your pancake-making process has been or if you have any tips for achieving that perfect fluff. We would be glad to hear from you and hope you have a very fluffy and delicious pancake experience!


Here are some notes and tips to keep in mind when making fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes:

  • Round metal ring molds are recommended for shaping the pancakes. They help give the pancakes their fluffy and tall appearance.
  • These pancakes have a base made from a thick pancake batter, so cook them on medium-low heat to ensure they are fully cooked.
  • Flipping the pancakes can be a bit tricky. It\’s recommended to use two spatulas or a large spatula for a more straightforward flip.
  • If your pancakes are deflating while cooking, try folding in the beaten egg whites more gently and avoid overmixing the batter.
  • Adding powdered or caster sugar to the beaten egg whites can help stabilize the meringue, but it is optional.
  • Ensure the bowl and beaters are clean and completely dry when beating the egg whites. Any grease or moisture can affect the stability of the meringue.
  • If you don’t have metal ring molds, use large cookie cutters or clean, empty food cans with both ends removed.
  • These pancakes are best enjoyed immediately after cooking. They may lose their fluffiness if left to sit for too long.
  • Small ripples or cracks on the surface of the pancakes are familiar and add to their charm.
  • If you\’re having trouble getting the pancakes to rise and be fluffy, make sure you\’re using fresh baking powder and that your egg whites are beaten to stiff peaks.
  • Jiggly pancakes are a sign of undercooking, so cook them until they are set and no longer wobbly in the center.
  • If your pancakes turn out too eggy, reduce the eggs used or add more flour to the batter.
  • It\’s recommended to preheat both sides of the metal ring molds on the stovetop before adding the batter. This helps the pancakes cook more evenly.
  • It\’s normal for the pancakes to deflate slightly after being removed from the heat. This is due to the delicate texture of the pancake batter.
  • These pancakes are a great addition to any brunch menu and can be enjoyed with various toppings such as fresh fruit, whipped cream, maple syrup, or chocolate sauce.

We hope these tips help you make the most fluffy and delicious Japanese soufflé pancakes!

Equipment Recommended

To make these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes, you\’ll need some specific tools and equipment. Here are our recommendations:

1. Non-Stick Frying Pan: Use a non-stick frying pan to help prevent the pancakes from sticking to the bottom.

2. Electric Mixer: An electric mixer will make it much easier to whip the egg whites until they form stiff peaks.

3. Rubber Spatula: A rubber spatula is essential for gently folding the whipped egg whites into the pancake batter without deflating them.

4. Piping Bag: While not necessary, using a piping bag can make it easier to create uniform pancake shapes. If you don’t have one, use a large Ziploc bag with the corner snipped off instead.

5. Metal Spatula: A metal spatula will help you flip the pancakes without tearing them. Make sure it has a thin edge and is sturdy enough to handle the weight of the pancakes.

6. Measuring Cups and Spoons: Accurate measurement is crucial for the success of this Recipe. Use measuring cups and spoons to ensure you add the proper amounts of each ingredient.

7. Large Mixing Bowl: You\’ll need a large mixing bowl to combine the pancake batter and beat the egg whites.

8. Paper Towels: Have some paper towels on hand to clean the pan between batches and remove excess oil.

9. Round Metal Rings: If you want your pancakes to be perfectly round, you can use round metal rings to shape them while cooking. However, this is optional and not necessary.

10. Whisk: A whisk is necessary to incorporate the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and ensure a smooth batter.

11. Lemon Juice or Vinegar: Adding a small amount of lemon juice or vinegar to the egg whites during whipping helps stabilize and strengthen the foam, resulting in more stable pancakes.

12. Assorted Toppings: While not a tool or equipment, having assorted toppings such as fruit, whipped cream, syrup, or mango cream can enhance the flavor of your pancakes. Feel free to get creative with your toppings!

These are the recommended tools and equipment for making fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes. Make sure to have everything ready before you start the cooking process. Happy pancake making!


Regarding nutrition, fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes can be a delectable treat without being overly indulgent. The Recipe often calls for low-fat and cholesterol ingredients, making them healthier than traditional pancakes.

One standard Recipe for soufflé pancakes includes granulated sugar, egg yolks, all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt, milk, and vanilla extract. The egg whites are separated and whipped into a meringue, giving the pancakes a light and airy texture. This process also helps to create a fluffy texture without the need for excessive oil or butter.

As for the cooking process, these pancakes are typically cooked slowly and gently on low heat. This ensures that they are evenly cooked without the risk of burning. It\’s essential to cover the saucepan or skillet to trap in steam and create a soft, jiggly texture inside.

Regarding nutrition, soufflé pancakes can be a great source of energy due to the carbohydrates provided by the flour and sugar. The egg yolks also contain essential vitamins such as vitamin D and B12. Milk, a common ingredient in the Recipe, is a good source of calcium and other essential nutrients.

For those who prefer a healthier option, low-fat or almond milk substitutes can be used. Additionally, sugar can be replaced with a natural sweetener like honey or maple syrup. It is also worth noting that these pancakes can be enjoyed with various toppings, including fresh fruits and yogurt, further enhancing their nutritional value.

Regarding portion size, it\’s essential to be mindful as these pancakes can be quite filling. One or two pancakes per serving is usually enough. It\’s also a good idea to invite family or friends to share the experience, as these pancakes can be a fun and memorable treat to enjoy together.

In conclusion, Japanese soufflé pancakes can be a delightful treat that is not too heavy or indulgent. You can enjoy a fluffy and delicious pancake with the right ingredients and cooking techniques while maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet.

More Dessert Recipes Recipes

If you enjoyed making fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes, here are some more delicious dessert recipes to try in your Kitchen. These recipes will allow you to practice your whipping skills, make great sweet treats, and impress your family and friends.

Japanese Soufflé CheesecakeIf you liked the light and airy texture of the soufflé pancakes, you will surely enjoy this Japanese soufflé cheesecake. It uses the same technique of beating egg whites to stabilize the cake and create a fluffy texture. The addition of cream cheese gives it a rich and creamy taste.
Fruit PavlovaThis pavlova recipe is a great way to use any leftover egg whites. It has a crispy meringue base topped with whipped cream and fresh fruits. Feel free to use your favorite fruits or a combination of berries for a colorful and refreshing dessert.
Lemon BarsIf you enjoy the tangy taste of lemon, these lemon bars are a must-try. The buttery crust is topped with a luscious lemon filling made from fresh lemon juice and zest. These bars are perfect for a sweet and citrusy treat.

When trying these recipes, please note that whipping is crucial for achieving the desired texture. Use an electric mixer to whip the egg whites to stiff peaks. Gently fold in the remaining ingredients to avoid deflating the batter. If the recipes call for caster sugar, you can make your own by pulsing granulated sugar in a food processor until fine. Also, don’t forget to thoroughly wipe the whisk and bowl before whipping the egg whites to remove any grease, as this can prevent the egg whites from properly stabilizing.

Minding the baking or cooking time and temperature specified in each Recipe is also essential. This will ensure that your desserts turn out well without burnt edges. You can cover the desserts with aluminum foil if needed to prevent them from getting too dark.

Experience the joy of creating these delectable desserts and have a sweet time in your Kitchen. Feel free to share your creations on Instagram and tag us @dessertrecipes. We would love to see and share your delicious treats. Thank you for trying out our recipes, and we hope you enjoy making them as much as we do.

Reader Interactions

If you\’ve been on Instagram lately, you\’ve probably seen an assortment of fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes. These pancakes have become a popular food trend, known for their light and airy texture. They are made by whipping egg whites to create a frothy meringue gently folded into the pancake batter. The result is a thick, eggy pancake cooked until fluffy and golden brown.

To make these fluffy pancakes, you\’ll need a few common ingredients: all-purpose flour, sugar, milk, eggs, and baking powder. The key to raising the pancakes is to separate the egg whites from the yolks. The egg whites are then whipped until they form stiff peaks, which helps stabilize the pancakes and give them an airy texture.

Once the egg whites are whipped, you\’ll need to fold them into the pancake batter gently. This step is crucial, as over-mixing can cause the pancake batter to deflate. It\’s best to use a large spoon or spatula and make slow, sweeping motions to incorporate the egg whites without losing too much air. The batter should be thick and pourable but still have visible white streaks.

To cook the pancakes, you\’ll need a round frying pan or skillet. Grease the bottom of the pan with butter or cooking spray and heat it over medium-low heat. Spoon about 1/4 cup of batter onto the pan for each pancake. Cook the pancakes for about 2-3 minutes, or until the edges start to set and tiny bubbles begin to form on the surface. Then, carefully flip the pancakes and cook them for another 2-3 minutes until they are golden brown and cooked through.

These fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes are best served immediately. They can be enjoyed independently or topped with toppings like whipped cream, fruit, or syrup. The pancakes have a delicate flavor, so taste them before adding too many flavors.

If you\’re looking for a great breakfast or brunch option, try these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes. They require a bit of practice and patience, but the result is worth it!

Thanks to Darlene for sharing her Recipe with us!


Here are some comments from people who have tried making fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes:

  • Darlene: Thanks for sharing this Recipe! I love how fluffy and jiggly these pancakes are.
  • Electric Kitchen: I\’ve attempted making soufflé pancakes before, but they always deflate. Do you have any tips on how to keep them fluffy?
  • Darlene: Whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Also, be gentle when folding the meringue into the batter to avoid deflating it.
  • Dark Cake Lover: I find that using dark cake flour yields a slightly denser texture. Do you think using all-purpose flour will result in lighter pancakes?
  • Darlene: Yes, using all-purpose flour should make the pancakes lighter. Feel free to give it a try and see which texture you prefer.
  • Thanks: Thank you for this detailed Recipe. I\’ll surely invite my family over to taste these pancakes!
  • Fluff Lover: I don’t have an electric whisk. Can I whisk the egg whites by hand?
  • Darlene: Whisking the egg whites by hand will require more time and effort, but it can be done. Just make sure to whisk until soft peaks form.
  • Spatula User: I accidentally deflated the egg whites while folding them. Any troubleshooting tips?
  • Darlene: To avoid deflating the egg whites, use a rubber spatula and gently fold them into the batter with a cutting motion. Wipe the spatula against the side of the bowl to remove any excess batter.
  • Measurement Confusion: The Recipe calls for “2 tablespoons” of powdered sugar. Is that the same as 2 level tablespoons or two heaping tablespoons?
  • Darlene: The Recipe assumes leveled tablespoons of powdered sugar unless specified as heaping. If not set, use leveled tablespoons.
  • Sweet Tooth: These fluffy pancakes are sweetened just right. Adding any sauce or syrup would be too much.
  • Darlene: It\’s a matter of personal preference. Some people enjoy them as they are, while others prefer adding a drizzle of maple syrup or a dusting of powdered sugar on top.
  • Flipping Troubles: I find it difficult to flip the pancakes without tearing them. Any tips?
  • Darlene: Make sure the pancakes are cooked well on one side before attempting to flip them. Use a large spatula and gently lift the pancakes from underneath while supporting them with your other hand.
  • Cotton Candy Fan: These pancakes remind me of cotton candy! How do I achieve the perfect cotton candy-like fluff?
  • Darlene: To achieve a cotton candy-like fluff, whisk the egg whites until they are frothy and add a pinch of cream of tartar to stabilize the meringue. Also, make sure not to overcook the pancakes, as they can become dry.
  • Yolk Question: What can I do with the leftover egg yolks?
  • Darlene: You can use the leftover egg yolks to make a custard or hollandaise sauce or add them to the congee for a richer flavor.

These comments provide common troubleshoots and tips for making perfect fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes. Follow the instructions in the Recipe and adjust accordingly based on the feedback from those who have tried making them. Happy pancake-making!

Drop a comment. We\’d love to hear from you! Cancel reply

If you have any questions, feedback, or tips about making these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes, we\’d be happy to hear from you! Please leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts. Here are a few things to keep in mind when measuring and mixing the ingredients:

  • Make sure to whisk the egg whites thoroughly until they form stiff peaks. This will ensure that your pancakes turn out light and airy.
  • When measuring the ingredients, use a heatproof measuring cup for the wet ingredients and a measuring spoon or cup for the dry ingredients.
  • For the best results, fold the egg whites into the batter gently. This will help keep the pancakes fluffy and prevent them from deflating.

If you prefer a thicker pancake, you can double the measurement of the ingredients. Remember that the cooking time may need to be adjusted accordingly.

Here are some additional tips for making fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes:

  • Make sure your frying pan or skillet is heated to the right temperature. Too high heat can cause the pancakes to cook too quickly and not rise properly.
  • Wipe the pan with a paper towel between each batch to remove any residual batter or oil, which can cause the pancakes to stick or become too dark.
  • For a fun twist, add some toppings to your pancakes, such as whipped cream, fresh fruit (like mango or berries), or a drizzle of maple syrup.
  • If you\’re not a fan of using egg whites, you can also try making these pancakes with whole eggs. They will have a slightly different texture, but the taste will still be delicious!
  • Please invite your friends or family for brunch and surprise them with these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes. They are sure to be impressed!

We hope these tips and suggestions help you achieve the perfect batch of fluffy soufflé pancakes. We\’re always glad to hear your feedback and see how you\’re enjoying our recipes. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!


What are Japanese soufflé pancakes?

Japanese soufflé pancakes are a popular fluffy and jiggly dessert made with a light and airy batter. They are similar to regular pancakes but are much taller and have a delicate texture.

How are Japanese soufflé pancakes made?

Japanese soufflé pancakes are made by beating egg whites to stiff peaks and folding them into a batter made with flour, sugar, milk, and egg yolks. The batter is cooked in a pan with a lid to create a fluffy and jiggly texture.

What makes Japanese soufflé pancakes different from regular pancakes?

Japanese soufflé pancakes differ from regular pancakes because of their tall and fluffy texture. Traditional pancakes are typically denser and thinner. Japanese soufflé pancakes also have a unique jiggly and airy quality that sets them apart.

Can I make Japanese soufflé pancakes at home?

Yes, you can make Japanese soufflé pancakes at home. It may take a bit of practice to get the technique right, but with the right ingredients and tools, you can achieve a fluffy and jiggly texture. There are many recipes available online that provide step-by-step instructions.

What are some toppings that go well with Japanese soufflé pancakes?

Japanese soufflé pancakes can be topped with a variety of ingredients. Popular choices include fresh fruits like berries, sliced bananas, whipped cream, syrup, powdered sugar, and even ice cream. You can get creative with the toppings and customize them to your liking.



Emma Smith

I love these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes! They are like a taste of heaven, so light and airy. Sorry, but I couldn’t help but share my tips with everyone. When incorporating the whipped egg whites into the batter, do it gently so as not to deflate the mixture. I recommend using a rubber spatula and folding the egg whites in gently. I also prefer using a stovetop method for cooking these pancakes. It helps stabilize the fluff and gives them an excellent, tall shape. One tip I have found helpful is to grease the inside of the kitchen rings and the bottom of the pan before scooping the batter into the rings. This will prevent the pancakes from sticking and make flipping them much more accessible. Another note: cover the pan while cooking to trap the heat and help them cook through. I hope these tips help you achieve the perfect fluffy pancakes! Happy cooking! Аccuracy: 100%

Matthew Davis

I love fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes! They are indeed a delight to eat. The comment section is filled with people raving about how soft and airy these pancakes are, and I couldn’t agree more. I \ always preferred pancakes that are light and fluffy, and this Recipe delivers. The experience of making these pancakes is excellent, too. I was initially skeptical, but as soon as I started incorporating the whipped egg whites into the pancake base, I could see the magic happening. The batter turned into this jiggly and fluffy mixture that looked so tempting. Flipping the pancakes can be a bit tricky. You need to be patient and wait for the right moment. I recommend using a low heat and a good non-stick pan to prevent them from sticking. It took me a few tries to get the hang of it, but I got the perfect flip after a while. The taste is just as unique as the texture. These pancakes are slightly sweet and have a subtle cotton candy flavor.

I used a variety of toppings like fresh fruit and powdered sugar, and it added an extra touch of sweetness that complemented the pancakes perfectly. One thing to note is that the Recipe calls for cake flour, which can be harder to find. I had to search a few different stores before I lucked out and found it. However, if you don’t have any cake flour, you can make your own by substituting a small portion of all-purpose flour with cornstarch. Overall, I highly recommend giving these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes a try. They are a bit time-consuming to make, but the result is worth it. Plus, they make for a tremendous Instagram-worthy breakfast or brunch. Happy pancake flipping!


The article on fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes caught my attention. As a female reader, I have always been a big fan of pancakes, but these pancakes take it to a whole new level. I have always loved the light and airy texture of soufflés, so combining them with pancakes seems like a match made in heaven. The article explains that the whipping process is the key to achieving the perfect fluffy texture. Separating the egg whites and yolks, beating the whites to stiff peaks, and then folding them back into the batter creates a light and airy pancake that is simply irresistible. I appreciate that the author included troubleshooting tips, as I have heard that making these pancakes can be a bit tricky. From what I gathered, folding the meringue thoroughly into the batter and not over-mixing is crucial. I will keep these tips in mind when making these pancakes for myself. I also liked the suggestion of using a cookie cutter to create a perfectly round shape. I imagine that this helps with the presentation and ensures that each pancake cooks evenly. The article recommends using low heat to simmer them, which I will keep in mind to avoid overcooking or burning. Overall, I am excited to try making these fluffy Japanese soufflé pancakes. They look delicious and would be a great addition to any brunch menu. I will follow the Recipe and tips in the article to ensure that my pancakes turn out as fluffy as possible. Thank you for sharing this fantastic Recipe, and I hope to see more delicious creations from the author in the future.

Michael Brown

The Fluffy Japanese Soufflé Pancakes are a must-try snack! I cooked these pancakes, and they turned out amazing. They doubled in size and had a light and airy texture. The cooking process is gentle and requires a heatproof mold or ring. I highly recommend using a Wilton 4-inch round push pan for the best results. The folding technique differs slightly from regular pancakes but ensures that the batter is evenly mixed and doesn’t deflate. To make the pancakes extra fluffy, I separated the egg whites and whisked them into stiff peaks before gently folding them into the batter. The result was a stack of pancakes that were incredibly light and fluffy. I prefer mine to be less eggy, so I used only one yolk instead of two, as the Recipe recommended. The pancakes had just the right sweetness and were perfect without syrup or toppings. If you\’re a fan of whipped cream, it\’s always a good idea to add a dollop on top. Overall, these fluffy soufflé pancakes were a big hit in my Kitchen, and I invite you to try them!