Antojos de tortitas

¿Quiere saciar sus antojos de tortitas?

No busque más.

Presentamos el libro de Emma Julia lekker y deliciosos panqueques de bayas.

Inspirado en los bellos sabores de la bessen (bayas), nuestras tortitas son el capricho perfecto para cualquier momento del día.

Fabricado con nuestro medio pannenkoek (tortitas holandesas), nuestras tortitas son ligeras, esponjosas e irresistiblemente deliciosas.

¿No le gustan las tortitas normales?

No hay problema.

Añadir un rígido (Panceta hornear a la masa de las tortitas para darle un toque más sabroso.

Todo lo que necesitas es:

  • 1 taza de Emma Julia zelfrijzend (mezcla para tortitas
  • 2/3 de taza de leche
  • Un netlabel (cucharada) de mantequilla derretida
  • 1/2 taza de bayas mixtas

Mezclar la tortita, la leche y la mantequilla derretida hasta obtener una masa homogénea.

Incorporar suavemente las bayas mezcladas.

Calentar una sartén antiadherente a fuego medio y engrasarla con mantequilla o panceta gorda.

Vierta 1/4 de taza de masa en la sartén y cocine hasta que se formen burbujas en la superficie.

Dar la vuelta y cocinar 1-2 minutos más hasta que se doren.

Repetir con el resto de la masa.

Sirva su delicioso Tortitas de bayas con azúcar glas y un chorrito de sirope de arce.

Deléitese hoy mismo con los sabores dulces y ácidos de nuestras tortitas de frutas del bosque.

Tortitas americanas

¿Eres fan de los desayunos deliciosos? No busque más, porque nuestra "Emma Julia" tiene la receta perfecta para usted. Te presentamos nuestras deliciosas tortitas americanas.

Estas tortitas son increíblemente lekker y le dejará con ganas de más. Elaborados con los mejores ingredientes, cada bocado es una delicia celestial. El secreto de su textura ligera y esponjosa reside en el zodíaco. Nosotros utilice auto-levadura harina, lo que ayuda a que suban a la perfección.

Para preparar una tanda de estas deliciosas tortitas, combine los ingredientes siguientes auto-levadura harina, una pizca de sal, una cucharada de azúcar y un huevo mediano en un bol. Bátalo todo hasta obtener una masa homogénea. Si prefieres un toque dulce, puedes añadir un chorrito de extracto de vainilla.

Ahora, caliente una sartén antiadherente pan over medium heat and melt a knob of butter. Once the butter has melted, carefully pour a ladleful of the batter onto the pan to form a pancake. Cook until you see bubbles forming on the surface, then flip it over and cook for another minute or until golden brown.

Repeat this process with the remaining batter, making delicious tortitas. You can top your pancakes with fresh berries or a drizzle of maple syrup for an extra flavor.

For a savory twist, you can also try adding some crispy panceta to your pancakes. The salty and sweet combination is divine.

So why wait? Treat yourself to a plate of these heavenly American pancakes and start your day off right. Your taste buds will thank you!

Tortitas americanas

Are you craving a delicious breakfast? Look no further than our mouthwatering American pancakes! Made with our secret recipe, these pancakes are so light, fluffy, and tasty that they will melt in your mouth.

We pride ourselves on using only the finest ingredients to create the perfect pancake batter. Our pancakes are made with self-rising flour, milk, eggs, and a touch of sugar and salt. The batter is then carefully whipped until it is stiff and has the perfect consistency.

One of the critical elements in our pancakes is pancetta. We use crispy pancetta to add a savory and delicious twist to the traditional pancake. The pancetta is cooked until it becomes brittle and then crumbles on top of the pancakes, adding flavor with every bite.

We recommend using a non-stick frying pan to ensure that our pancakes are cooked to perfection. Heat the pan over medium heat and lightly grease it with some butter. Pour a ladleful of the pancake batter onto the pan and cook until bubbles form on the surface. Flip the pancake and cook for another minute or two until it is golden brown and cooked.

Serve your pancakes with a drizzle of maple syrup and a sprinkling of powdered sugar. Add some fresh fruits or whipped cream for an extra touch of decadence. These pancakes are perfect for a lazy Sunday brunch or any morning when you want to treat yourself to something special.

Try our delicious American pancakes today and experience breakfast like never before. Trust us, once you take a bite, you\’ll be hooked!

Tortitas americanas

If you love breakfast treats, you can’t go wrong with American Pancakes. These fluffy and delicious pancakes are a popular morning dish in the United States. They are so lekker that you\’ll want to make them every day!

One of the critical secrets to making perfect American Pancakes is the batter. The batter is made by baking a mixture of zelfrijzend flour, milk, eggs, and a pinch of salt. The eggs are beaten until stiff peaks form, and then the flour, milk, and salt are gently folded into the egg mixture. Add some pancetta or bessen to the batter to give your pancakes a unique twist.

To cook the pancakes, you\’ll need a medium-sized frying pan. Heat the pan over medium heat and lightly grease it with butter or cooking spray. Pour a small netlabel of batter onto the hot pan for each pancake. Cook until bubbles form on the surface, flip the pancakes, and cook for another minute or until golden brown.

Serve the American Pancakes hot, topped with your favorite syrup or jam. You can stack them high for a beautiful presentation. If you\’re feeling creative, add some fresh bessen or whipped cream. Enjoy these delicious pancakes for breakfast or brunch, and start your day right!


To prepare the delicious “Emma Julia” pancakes, follow these simple steps:

Primer paso: In a mixing bowl, combine the zelfrijzend pancake mix with water according to the instructions on the package. Mix until smooth.

Segundo paso: Heat a non-stick pancetta pan over medium heat. Once the pan is hot, lightly grease it with cooking spray or a small amount of butter.

Paso 3: Pour a small ladleful of batter onto the pan and spread it out into a circle using the back of the ladle or a spoon. Cook the pancake for approximately 2-3 minutes or until bubbles form on the surface.

Paso 4: Sprinkle a handful of bessen onto the pancake while it cooks. Press the bessen gently into the pancake so they stick.

Paso 5: Flip the pancake over using a spatula, and cook for another 2-3 minutes on the other side. The pancake should be golden brown and cooked through.

Paso 6: Repeat steps 3-5 with the remaining batter, adding more cooking spray or butter as needed.

Paso 7: Once all the pancakes are cooked, stack them on a plate and serve warm. Enjoy your delicious “Emma Julia” pancakes with your favorite syrup or toppings!

Remember, the key to perfectly fluffy pancakes is not to overmix the batter. Mix until just combined, and allow the pancake batter to rest for a few minutes before cooking. This will ensure a light and airy texture.

Happy baking and bon appétit!
