Tortitas veganas

¿Buscas una opción de desayuno deliciosa y saludable? Prueba nuestras tortitas veganas. Hechas con ingredientes naturales y llenas de sabor, estas tortitas son una forma nutritiva de empezar el día.

Con sólo unas cucharaditas de levadura en polvo, estas pequeñas y esponjosas tortitas alcanzarán nuevas cotas. Mezcla los ingredientes secos en un cuenco grande y luego añade los ingredientes húmedos para crear una masa espesa. No olvide añadir un chorrito de vinagre para que queden más esponjosas.

Disfruta de estas tortitas con tus ingredientes y siropes favoritos. Tanto si prefieres fruta fresca, sirope de arce o una cucharada de nata montada vegana, seguro que estas tortitas satisfarán tus antojos.

Para obtener más información sobre el valor nutricional de nuestras tortitas veganas y recibir recetas exclusivas para suscriptores, ¡inscríbase hoy mismo!

Opciones de impresión

Si eres suscriptor de Vegan Pancakes y quieres imprimir esta nutritiva y esponjosa receta de tortitas veganas, aquí tienes algunas opciones a tener en cuenta:

  1. Letra grande: Si prefiere una impresión gigante para facilitar la lectura, ajuste el tamaño de la fuente en su dispositivo o en la configuración de la impresora antes de imprimir.
  2. Paso a paso: Para tener una guía paso a paso, imprima cada sección por separado y luego compílelas en el orden indicado.
  3. Sustituciones: Personaliza la receta a tu gusto añadiendo tus ingredientes veganos favoritos. Siéntete libre de experimentar y hacerla tuya.
  4. Consejos de preparación: Anote cualquier nota o consejo adicional que le resulte útil durante el proceso de preparación.

Para imprimir la receta, copie las instrucciones que aparecen a continuación:

  1. En un bol pequeño, mezclar 1 ½ tazas de harina, tres cucharaditas de levadura en polvo y ½ cucharadita de sal.
  2. En un bol aparte, bata ¼ de taza de leche no láctea, dos cucharadas de sirope de arce, dos cucharadas de aceite de coco derretido y una cucharadita de vinagre.
  3. Verter los ingredientes húmedos en los ingredientes secos y mezclar suavemente hasta que estén bien combinados.
  4. Dejar reposar la masa durante 5 minutos para que se active la levadura en polvo.
  5. Calentar una sartén antiadherente o una plancha a fuego medio y engrasarla ligeramente con aceite o aceite en aerosol.
  6. Verter ¼ de taza de masa en la sartén para cada tortita y cocinar hasta que se formen burbujas en la superficie, luego dar la vuelta y cocinar hasta que estén doradas.
  7. Sirve las tortitas con tus ingredientes favoritos y ¡a disfrutar!

No dudes en imprimir varias copias de esta receta para compartirlas con amigos y familiares. Para más recetas de tortitas veganas deliciosas e información nutricional, visite nuestro sitio web. ¡Feliz cocina!


Para hacer deliciosas tortitas veganas, necesitarás los siguientes ingredientes necesarios:

  • Leche vegana: Utiliza tu leche vegetal favorita, como leche de almendras, soja o avena. Le dará a las tortitas un sabor cremoso y rico.
  • Harina para todo uso: 2 tazas de harina de uso general serán la base de la masa para tortitas.
  • Polvo de hornear: Añadir dos cucharaditas de levadura en polvo para que las tortitas queden ligeras y esponjosas.
  • Vinagre: Este ingrediente apto para veganos reaccionará con la levadura en polvo para crear burbujas de aire y hacer las tortitas aún más esponjosas. Utiliza una cucharada de vinagre.
  • Petróleo: Necesitará dos cucharadas de aceite para crear una textura perfecta.
  • Edulcorante: 2 cucharadas del edulcorante que prefieras (como sirope de arce, sirope de ágave o azúcar) añadirán un toque de dulzor a tus tortitas veganas.
  • Sal: Añadir una pizca de sal para realzar los sabores.

En un bol grande, mezclar la harina, la levadura y la sal. En otro bol pequeño, bata la leche vegana, el vinagre, el aceite y el edulcorante. Añada poco a poco la mezcla húmeda a los ingredientes secos, removiendo hasta que se mezclen. Tenga cuidado de no mezclar demasiado, ya que esto puede hacer que las tortitas queden duras. Deje reposar la masa unos minutos para que espese.

Ahora, ¡tu masa vegana para tortitas está lista! Procede a cocinar las tortitas en una sartén antiadherente precalentada. Vierta aproximadamente 1/4 de taza de la masa en la superficie de cocción para cada tortita. Cocine durante unos minutos por cada lado hasta que estén doradas y esponjosas.

Sirve tus tortitas veganas con tus ingredientes favoritos, como fruta fresca, mantequilla vegana o sirope de arce. ¡Disfruta de este delicioso y saludable desayuno vegano! No olvides suscribirte para recibir más recetas veganas e información.


Para preparar tortitas veganas, necesitarás los siguientes ingredientes:

- 2 tazas de harina
- dos cucharadas de azúcar
- dos cucharaditas de levadura en polvo
- 1/2 cucharadita de sal
- 2 tazas de leche de almendras
- dos cucharadas de aceite vegetal
- una cucharadita de extracto de vainilla

En un bol grande, mezclar la harina, el azúcar, la levadura en polvo y la sal. En otro bol pequeño, mezclar la leche de almendras, el aceite vegetal y el extracto de vainilla. Añadir poco a poco los ingredientes húmedos a los secos y batir hasta obtener una masa homogénea.

If the batter is too thick, you can add more almond milk gradually until you reach the desired consistency. If it\’s too thin, you can add more flour. The batter should be thick enough to pour but not too runny.

Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil if necessary. Pour about 1/4 cup of the batter onto the skillet for each pancake. Cook until bubbles form on the surface, then flip and cook for another 1-2 minutes until golden brown.

Serve the Vegan Pancakes hot with your favorite toppings such as maple syrup, fresh fruits, or vegan whipped cream. Enjoy your delicious and nutritious meal!

For more vegan recipes and nutritional information, subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to receive new exciting recipes every week!

Preguntas más frecuentes:

¿De qué están hechas las tortitas veganas?

Vegan pancakes are typically made with plant-based ingredients such as flour, plant-based milk (such as almond milk or soy milk), and a vegan egg substitute like flaxseed or applesauce.

Are vegan pancakes healthy?

Yes, vegan pancakes can be a healthy choice. They are often lower in calories and saturated fats compared to traditional pancakes made with eggs and dairy. However, the healthiness of vegan pancakes depends on the specific ingredients used and how they are cooked.

Are vegan pancakes suitable for people with food allergies?

Vegan pancakes can be a good option for people with food allergies, as they are typically free from common allergens like dairy and eggs. However, it\’s essential to check the ingredients list for any potential allergens or cross-contamination risks.

Can I use regular milk instead of plant-based milk in vegan pancakes?

Yes, you can use regular milk in place of plant-based milk in vegan pancakes if you prefer. However, using plant-based milk is a common practice in vegan recipes to keep them dairy-free.

Can I make vegan pancakes without using any egg substitute?

Yes, you can make vegan pancakes without using any egg substitute. Some recipes rely on ingredients like mashed bananas or applesauce to provide moisture and binding properties instead of eggs.

Are Vegan Pancakes gluten-free?

Yes, Vegan Pancakes are gluten-free. They are made with gluten-free flour and other plant-based ingredients.




I recently bought these Vegan Pancakes, and they are simply fantastic! As a subscriber to a small online cooking channel, I am always looking for new and delicious recipes to try. These vegan pancakes did not disappoint. The batter was easy to make with just a few simple ingredients, and it turned out so fluffy and delicious. In just a matter of minutes, I had a stack of fluffy pancakes ready to be topped with my favorite vegan toppings. The best part is that these pancakes are not only tasty but also nutritious. The package includes all the necessary nutritional information, which is excellent for someone like me who likes to keep track of their intake. I highly recommend these Vegan Pancakes to anyone looking for a vegan and delicious breakfast option.

Emily Smith

I recently tried the Vegan Pancakes, and I must say, they exceeded my expectations. The large bowl of vegan batter made fluffy and delicious pancakes that were bursting with flavor. This vegan recipe is a game-changer for me as I\’ve been looking for more plant-based options for my breakfast. I appreciate that the pancakes were easy to make – they only took a few minutes to cook. The nutritional information provided was also helpful, as I like to keep track of my macros. I\’ll be a subscriber to get more details of other vegan recipes. The addition of vinegar and baking powder in the batter was necessary to give the pancakes a slightly tangy taste, which I loved. Overall, I highly recommend these Vegan Pancakes to anyone looking for a tasty and healthy breakfast option.

James Miller

I am a subscriber of vegan food and recently tried the Vegan Pancakes mix. I must say, I was impressed with the results. The mix is made with all-natural ingredients, and it is easy to prepare. I just had to add some water and vinegar to the powder mix and mix it in a bowl. The batter turned out to be fluffy and delicious. Not only are these pancakes vegan, but they also have a great nutritional profile. They are low in sugar and fat, which is a big plus for me. I appreciate that the mix provides all the necessary information about the ingredients and nutritional value on the packaging. I followed the instructions on the package and cooked the pancakes for a few minutes in a large pan. The result was a stack of perfectly golden pancakes that tasted just like the ones I used to enjoy before going vegan. I topped mine with some fresh fruit and maple syrup, but the mix also comes with some recipe ideas if you want to get more creative. Overall, I highly recommend the Vegan Pancakes mix. It is a convenient and delicious option for anyone looking to enjoy a vegan breakfast.

Jack Smith

I recently tried the Vegan Pancakes, and I am highly impressed with how delicious and nutritious they are. The instructions on the box were evident and easy to follow. I mixed the pancake batter in a bowl with a few teaspoons of powder and added my vegan milk. The batter came out incredibly fluffy and had a great texture. I cooked the pancakes on a small pan for a few minutes on each side until they turned golden brown. The taste was terrific, and I couldn’t even tell that they were vegan. As a vegan, finding high-quality and tasty options can be a challenge, but these pancakes exceeded my expectations. This product is perfect for anyone following a vegan lifestyle or looking to incorporate more plant-based recipes into their diet. If you are considering trying these pancakes, I highly recommend them. They are a fantastic addition to any breakfast or brunch, and they are also versatile enough to be enjoyed in other creative ways. I am going to be a loyal subscriber to the brand and look forward to trying more of their unique vegan products in the future. Overall, I am more than satisfied with my purchase and will be repurchasing these Vegan Pancakes soon.


I recently tried the Vegan Pancakes, and I must say, I\’m impressed! The batter is so easy to make, and it only takes a few minutes to prepare. I love that they come in large and small sizes, perfect for any meal occasion. The package provided all the necessary information, including the amount of teaspoons and nutritional facts. The pancakes turned out so fluffy and delicious I couldn’t believe they were vegan! I even discovered some fantastic pancake recipes on their website. As a subscriber, I receive even more vegan recipes, which is excellent. I highly recommend trying these pancakes; just mix the batter with some plant-based milk and vinegar and enjoy your yummy vegan breakfast!
