Menú principal

Deléitese con nuestro sándwich de pavo dorado, hecho con pan artesano recién horneado, cubierto con jugosas rodajas de tomate, bacon crujiente y un chorrito de aderezo casero de mostaza y miel, y servido con un picadillo de patatas ligeramente sazonado.

Para los amantes del desayuno, ofrecemos una variedad de sabrosos benedicts. Pruebe nuestros clásicos huevos benedict con huevos perfectamente revueltos, bacon canadiense y salsa holandesa. También puede optar por nuestro benedict vegetariano, relleno de espinacas salteadas, tomate cortado en dados y salsa holandesa cremosa. Ambas opciones se sirven con una guarnición de picadillo dorado.

Disfrute de una refrescante mimosa de arándanos o de un chupito de espresso con nuestros platos principales del desayuno. O, para una opción más ligera, pruebe nuestro batido de fruta fresca hecho con fresas, plátanos y un chorrito de zumo de naranja.

En nuestra selección de sándwiches abundan las opciones saladas. Saboree los sabores de nuestro club de pavo y bacon, con pavo tierno, bacon crujiente, tomate ácido y lechuga romana crujiente. O pruebe nuestro sándwich de ternera y queso cheddar, relleno de tierna ternera, queso cheddar fundido y sabroso aderezo ranchero casero, servido en pan artesano tostado.

Para darle un toque único a un clásico, prueba nuestra hamburguesa tiki con bacon. Esta jugosa hamburguesa de ternera está cubierta con piña ácida, bacon crujiente y pimientos jalapeños, todo ello entre dos rebanadas de pan artesano tostado.

Complete su comida con una guarnición de nuestros aros de cebolla, ligeramente empanados y servidos con un sabroso aliño balsámico para mojar. O añada una guarnición de nuestro arroz con leche de vainilla extragrueso, coronado con una cucharada de nata montada y una pizca de canela.

No olvide dejar sitio para el postre. Pruebe nuestra galleta casera rellena de Nutella, servida caliente y rociada con una rica salsa de chocolate. O deléitese con nuestra tarta de fresas frescas con fresas dulces, esponjosas rebanadas de bizcocho y una cremosa cobertura de nata montada.

Acompáñenos en una experiencia culinaria completa y explore nuestra variada carta de deliciosos platos y refrescantes bebidas.

Lado sano arriba

Elija el lado más sano de la vida con nuestras deliciosas opciones de menú.

Comience el día con nuestro Benedict casero - dos rebanadas extra gruesas de masa madre cubiertas con jalapeño picado, tocino ahumado con madera de manzano y una cremosa salsa holandesa.

¿Busca algo más ligero? Pruebe nuestro refrescante Smoothie Bowl - una vibrante mezcla de fresas balsámicas, arándanos y leche de coco, coronada con granola crujiente y un chorrito de miel.

Profundice en nuestro Sándwich de pollo Tiki - tierno pollo marinado cubierto con aros de cebolla crujientes, salsa barbacoa ácida y queso jack derretido para el almuerzo. Servido en un panecillo artesano tostado, es la combinación perfecta de sabores.

Si le apetece marisco, nuestro Pargo ennegrecido con Hachís Dorado es algo que no debe perderse. Saboree los sabores del pargo ennegrecido servido con patatas doradas crujientes y mayonesa de jalapeño.

¿Tienes más hambre? Mejore cualquiera de nuestros platos del menú con una guarnición de Aros de cebolla a la cerveza o Patata Golden Hash por un módico precio.

No olvide probar nuestro famoso Torrijas rellenas de Nutella - gruesas rebanadas de pan recién horneado rellenas de cremosa Nutella y cubiertas con un generoso chorrito de salsa de frambuesa casera. Es una delicia dulce que merece cada bocado.

¿Busca una opción más sana? Nuestro Carne Asada Fronteriza es una sabrosa elección: tierna carne de ternera marinada en una mezcla única de especias servida con esponjoso arroz y tortillas a elegir. Añade una guarnición de nuestra salsa de aceitunas Kalamata para darle un toque extra.

¿Aún tiene hambre? Sumérjase en nuestro Huevos Rancheros - un clásico del brunch con un toque especial. Las tortillas de maíz crujientes se cubren con frijoles negros, pimientos picados y dos huevos soleados y se sirven con aguacate cremoso y crema agria picante tajín.

Ninguna comida está completa sin una bebida refrescante. Pruebe nuestra Raspberry Lemon Spirit - una estimulante mezcla de frambuesa ácida y limón picante. También puede optar por nuestro Recargas ilimitadas de té helado clásico americano para los que quieren un sabor a casa.

En Healthy Side Up creemos que la buena comida no debe comprometer el sabor. Así que ven y disfruta de una comida deliciosa y saludable que te dejará satisfecho y nutrido.


Empiece bien la mañana con nuestra deliciosa selección de desayunos clásicos. Tanto si te apetece algo dulce como salado, tenemos todo lo que necesitas.

Tocino y huevos extragruesos

Deléitese con nuestro delicioso beicon extragrueso y nuestros huevos perfectamente revueltos. Servidos con una guarnición de crujientes patatas fritas, esta combinación clásica te mantendrá satisfecho todo el día.

Tortitas esponjosas con fresas recién horneadas

Disfrute de una pila de esponjosas tortitas coronadas con una generosa porción de fresas recién horneadas. Rociados con miel y espolvoreados con azúcar en polvo, este dulce manjar es uno de los favoritos del desayuno.

Para una opción salada, pruebe nuestro:

Classic Eggs Benedict'Two: huevos escalfados servidos sobre una cama de panecillos ingleses ligeramente tostados, cubiertos con salsa holandesa y su elección de tocino crujiente o espinacas salteadas. Este benedict es un auténtico capricho de desayuno servido con patatas fritas caseras.

Para los que prefieren algo picante, nuestro:

Burrito Ranchero para el desayuno

Una tortilla de harina rellena de huevos revueltos, salsa ranchera picante, queso derretido, tomate cortado en dados y cilantro picado. Servido con frijoles refritos y salsa, este burrito está lleno de sabor.

No se pierda nuestro:

Torrijas de caramelo y canela

Rebanadas gruesas de pan artesano empapadas en una masa infusionada con vainilla y canela, recubiertas después con una crujiente corteza caramelizada. Esta tostada francesa es una sensación en el desayuno Servida con plátano fresco y cubierta con un chorrito de sirope de agave.

Deléitese con nuestros clásicos desayunos y empiece bien el día. Te encantarán los sabores y los ingredientes de calidad utilizados en nuestros platos. ¡Venga y disfrute de un delicioso desayuno en Main Menu hoy mismo!

Dos huevos

Comience el día con un delicioso y satisfactorio desayuno en Main Menu. Nuestro menú Two Eggs ofrece una variedad de apetitosas opciones para todos los gustos. Tanto si le apetecen los clásicos favoritos como si le apetece algo más atrevido, tenemos todo lo que necesita.

Para un desayuno reconfortante y tradicional, pruebe nuestros dos huevos con bacon. Servidos con crujientes tiras de bacon, pan tostado y queso a elegir, es una opción abundante que nunca decepciona. Si prefiere un toque vegetariano, elija nuestros dos huevos con champiñones y cebolla. Salteados a la perfección y cubiertos con queso jack fundido, es una opción sabrosa y saciante.

Si buscas una delicia del suroeste, nuestros dos huevos rancheros son la mejor opción. Servido sobre una cama de frijoles refritos, cubierto con salsa ranchera casera, jalapeño picado, y adornado con cilantro fresco, es una opción picante y satisfactoria. Añade un toque extra con una guarnición de aguacate o crema agria.

Nuestros Dos Huevos con Carne Asada son una opción obligada para aquellos que prefieren una comida llena de proteínas. Servido con tierna carne en rodajas, frijoles refritos, tomate y cebolla, es una opción sabrosa y sustanciosa que te mantendrá con energía durante todo el día.

Si le apetece algo dulce, nuestros dos huevos Benedict son la elección perfecta. Servidos en un brioche recién horneado y cubiertos con una cremosa salsa holandesa, son una delicia que combina a la perfección con una refrescante mimosa o un zumo de naranja recién exprimido.

Completa tu comida Two Eggs con hashbrowns, crujientes patatas fritas o fruta fresca. Y no olvides saciar tu apetito de dulce con nuestras crepes caseras rellenas de salsa de fresas o arándanos. Acompáñalo todo con un batido o un espresso y estarás listo para afrontar el día.

En Main Menu, nos enorgullecemos de utilizar sólo los ingredientes más frescos. Nuestro menú Two Eggs está hecho con amor y cuidado, asegurando que cada plato tenga sabor y bondad. Únase a nosotros para disfrutar de un delicioso desayuno que le hará volver a por más.

Antojos de desayuno

Huevos revueltos - Esponjosos huevos revueltos con queso cheddar, servidos con tocino crujiente o salchicha y su elección de pan tostado o panecillo inglés.

Gofre belga - Un gofre belga dorado cubierto con arándanos frescos, nata montada y un chorrito de sirope de arce, servido con bacon o salchicha a elegir.

Burrito de desayuno - Una abundante tortilla rellena de huevos revueltos, bacon crujiente, queso cheddar y pimientos y cebollas salteados servida con salsa casera.

Ensalada de espinacas y arándanos - Espinacas frescas mezcladas con arándanos secos, nueces picadas y queso de cabra desmenuzado, servidas con una vinagreta ácida de arándanos.

Huevos a la florentina - Dos huevos escalfados sobre un lecho de espinacas salteadas, servidos en un panecillo inglés tostado y cubiertos con salsa holandesa casera.

Tostadas francesas - Rebanadas gruesas de pan artesano rebozadas en huevo, doradas y servidas con azúcar glas y sirope de arce.

Pollo y gofre - Una crujiente pechuga de pollo servida sobre un esponjoso gofre belga, rociada con miel y acompañada de sirope de arce.

Quesadilla de desayuno - Una tortilla a la plancha rellena de huevos revueltos, queso cheddar, bacon crujiente y pimientos y cebollas salteados servida con salsa casera.

Tortitas de arándanos - Esponjosas tortitas cargadas de arándanos frescos, cubiertas con una capa de mantequilla y servidas con bacon o salchicha a elegir.

Bagel y Lox - Un bagel tostado cubierto con queso crema, salmón ahumado, rodajas de cebolla roja y alcaparras y servido con fruta fresca.


Comience el día con una de nuestras deliciosas sartenes, rellenas con una variedad de ingredientes que le harán la boca agua:

Sartén Burrito: Una sabrosa combinación de patatas fritas caseras, dados de pavo, pimientos y champiñones, cubierta con huevos revueltos y queso cheddar fundido y servida con salsa y crema agria.

Sartén griega: Crujientes patatas fritas caseras salteadas con espinacas, cebollas y queso feta, cubiertas con dos huevos escalfados y una pizca de condimento tajin, y servidas con salsa tzatziki y pan de pita a la parrilla.

Sartén belga: Esponjosos gofres belgas cubiertos con fresas frescas y nata montada. Servidos con una guarnición de Nutella y espolvoreados con azúcar glas.

Sartén balsámica: Pargo dorado servido sobre una cama de verduras mixtas, cubierto con pimientos, cebollas y champiñones salteados. Rociado con una reducción de balsámico y adornado con crujientes picatostes.

Sartén de Huevos Benedict: Crujiente picadillo de carne en conserva entre dos tortillas, cubierto con huevos escalfados y salsa holandesa, y servido con frijoles refritos y salsa ranchera picante.

Sartén vegetariana: Rodajas de calabacín, pimiento y cebolla a la plancha, cubiertas con dos huevos fritos y espolvoreadas con queso feta, y servidas con una guarnición de salsa casera y pan tostado a elegir.

Sartén de Carne Asada: Tiernas tiras de carne de res marinada, salteadas con cebollas y pimientos, cubiertas con dos huevos estrellados, adornadas con cilantro fresco y servidas con tortillas calientes y crema agria.

Sartén Wycliff: Crujientes patatas fritas caseras cargadas de chorizo, pimientos poblanos cortados en dados y aceitunas negras, cubiertas con dos huevos revueltos y queso pepper jack fundido. Se sirvieron con una guarnición de mayonesa picante Sriracha.

Sartén de tres carnes: Tocino crujiente, salchicha y jamón, servido sobre una cama de patatas fritas caseras, cubierto con dos huevos soleados, y servido con tostadas de masa fermentada y su elección de jugo.

Elija su Sartén favorita o sustituya los ingredientes de abajo para crear su combinación única. Pueden aplicarse cargos adicionales.

Bollos de brioche, aguacate, cebollas caramelizadas, salsa holandesa, patatas fritas, bacon de pavo, salmón ahumado, jalapeños, queso cheddar, nata montada, lechuga romana, rodajas de tomate, cebollas verdes, ¡y mucho más!

Nuestras sartenes se hacen por encargo con amor y cuidado. ¡Visítenos y empiece bien el día!


Deléitese con nuestra soleada y fresca selección de Omelets Benedicts. Elaborados con esponjosos huevos revueltos, estos deliciosos platos satisfarán sus antojos.

Tortilla Benedict Descripción Precio
Corned Beef Benedict Una tortilla cubierta con carne en conserva, rodajas de tomate y salsa holandesa y servida con patatas fritas caseras. $9.99
Bacon canadiense Benedict Un esponjoso panecillo inglés cubierto con bacon canadiense y huevos escalfados a la perfección y servido con patatas fritas caseras. $10.99
Chorizo Benedict Un bollo de brioche recién horneado relleno de chorizo picante y jalapeño. Se cubre con salsa holandesa casera y se sirve con patatas fritas caseras. $11.99

Elija tres benedicts y disfrute de una mimosa o un zumo de naranja recién exprimido de cortesía. Sustituya las patatas fritas caseras por nuestro delicioso arroz con leche de coco por un suplemento de $2.99.

¿No se decide? Prueba nuestro Omelet Benedict Sampler. Incluye tres mini tortillas Benedict: Corned Beef, tocino canadiense y chorizo. Se sirve con patatas fritas caseras y una guarnición de fruta fresca de temporada.

¿Te gustan los sabores mexicanos picantes? Prueba nuestra Tortilla Mexicana Benedict. Hecha con huevos revueltos, frijoles negros, chorizo y queso jack derretido. Estaba cubierto con crema agria, tomates picados, y un chorrito de sriracha y se sirve con patatas fritas y tortillas calientes en el lado.

¿Te sentías saludable? Nuestra tortilla griega Benedict está rellena de pimiento fresco, cebolla y tomate. Se cubre con queso feta desmenuzado y se sirve sobre un lecho de lechuga romana. Se sirve con una guarnición de yogur griego y ensalada mixta.

Para un toque único, pruebe nuestra tortilla benedictina. La hemos preparado con esponjosos huevos revueltos rellenos de fresas picadas, cubiertos con un dulce rocío de frambuesa y servidos con patatas fritas caseras y nata montada.

Nuestros Omelets Benedicts se elaboran con los mejores ingredientes, como huevos ecológicos de corral, pollo sin hormonas y ternera. ¡Disfrute de lo bueno y saboree la diferencia!


Empieza bien el día con una deliciosa tortilla. Nuestras tortillas están hechas con los ingredientes más frescos y se pueden personalizar. Elija entre una variedad de opciones a continuación:

  • Sustituir cualquier ingrediente para una opción más saludable
  • Hecho en casa tortilla con huevos de granja
  • Griego tortilla con queso feta y aceitunas kalamata
  • Bayas tortilla con guarnición de bayas dulces
  • Ahumado con madera de manzano tortilla de bacon y queso cheddar
  • Masa madre tortilla con patatas fritas
  • Espolvoreado con azúcar en polvo y servido con una galleta
  • Miel y tortilla de cilantro con cebolla caramelizada
  • Frontera tortilla con arroz, frijoles refritos y verduras
  • Cheddar y tortilla de ternera con picatostes
  • Sriracha y tortilla de cilantro con una guarnición de patatas fritas
  • Huevos tortilla ranchera con queso Jack
  • Búfalo tortilla de pollo con aderezo de queso azul
  • Inicio omelet with a tiki twist – ham, pineapple, and Swiss cheese
  • Crispy bacon and cheddar omelet with a Wycliff dressing
  • Ground beef omelet with poblano peppers
  • Nutella and banana omelet with a very berry garnish
  • Orange agave omelet with a refreshing citrus spirit
  • Vegetarian omelet filled with sautéed vegetables
  • Extra-thick omelet wrapped in a fluffy tortilla
  • Spinach and feta omelet with a choice of Greek or American
  • Blueberry pancakes are served as a side
  • Crepes-based omelet with a lemon and vanilla cream filling
  • Flight of mini omelets, perfect for sharing
  • Ground beef and cheddar omelet served with a side of hash browns
  • Benedict omelet with hollandaise sauce and a poached egg on top
  • Stuffed burrito omelet with refried beans, cheese, and salsa
  • Bocadillos made with fluffy omelets instead of bread

Please note that some ingredients may have an additional charge.


Indulge in our delicious Benedict’s menu, featuring a variety of mouthwatering options.

Savory Mushroom Benedict

Two golden tortillas topped with sautéed mushrooms, onions, and peppers. Substitute scrambled eggs with tofu for a vegetarian option. It was served with a crispy side of home fries.

Huevos benedictinos clásicos

A toasted English muffin topped with applewood-smoked bacon, poached eggs, and homemade hollandaise sauce served with crispy home fries.

Vegetarian Benedict

A flavorful combination of grilled onions, peppers, and mushrooms on a bed of spinach, topped with poached eggs and zesty ranchero sauce, and served with a side of crispy home fries.

Southwest Benedict

A twist on the classic, featuring spicy chorizo sausage, scrambled eggs, and a drizzle of chipotle hollandaise sauce. It was served with a side of crispy home fries.

California Benedict

A fresh take on the classic, with sliced avocado, juicy tomato, and tangy cilantro lime dressing. It was served on a toasted English muffin with crispy home fries.

Crab Cake Benedict

Delicious crab cakes topped with poached eggs and a creamy hollandaise sauce and served with a side of crispy home fries.

Smoked Salmon Benedict

It is a delightful combination of smoked salmon, poached eggs, and a dill-infused hollandaise sauce. It was served on a toasted bagel with crispy home fries.

Make your Benedict even more extraordinary:

Choose from a variety of delectable add-ons, such as:

  • Aguacate
  • Crumbled Blue Cheese
  • Crumbled Feta Cheese
  • Roasted Red Peppers
  • Spinach
  • Slice of Applewood-Smoked Bacon

No matter which Benedict you choose, you \’ll enjoy the perfect combination of flavors and textures. And don’t forget to pair it with a refreshing mimosa or a cold glass of freshly squeezed orange juice!

Al sur de la frontera

Experience a taste of the exotic with our \ “South of the Border” menu. Explore a world of vibrant flavors and authentic ingredients that will transport your taste buds to sun-drenched destinations.


  • Tiki Beef Skewers – Tender marinated beef strips grilled to perfection and served with a zesty mango salsa.
  • Chorizo Stuffed Mushrooms – Mini white mushrooms filled with spicy chorizo and melted pepper jack cheese.
  • Golden Chicken Quesadillas – Diced chicken, melted cheese, and bell peppers stuffed inside a crispy tortilla.


  1. Huevos Rancheros – Traditional Mexican breakfast with scrambled eggs, refried beans, and salsa served with warm tortillas.
  2. Canadian Turkey Burrito – A flavor-packed blend of ground turkey, Canadian bacon, and refried beans wrapped in a soft tortilla.
  3. Spinach and Feta Stuffed Chicken – A juicy chicken breast stuffed with sautéed spinach and tangy feta cheese.


  • Greek Salad – Crisp romaine lettuce topped with kalamata olives, diced cucumber, and tangy feta cheese tossed in a light lemon dressing.
  • Strawberry Spinach Salad – Fresh baby spinach leaves, ripe strawberries, and crunchy almonds drizzled with a sweet honey-agave dressing.


  • Chicken Bacon Ranch Wrap – Grilled chicken, crispy bacon, and creamy ranch dressing wrapped in a warm tortilla.
  • Vegetarian Black Bean Burger – A hearty black bean patty topped with melted pepper jack cheese and garnished with crispy tortilla strips.
  • Applewood-Smoked Turkey Sandwich – Thinly sliced applewood-smoked turkey, lettuce, and tomato on a toasted ciabatta bun.

Brunch Specials

  1. Scrambled Eggs Fiesta Skillet – Fluffy scrambled eggs cooked with spicy chorizo, bell peppers, and melted cheese.
  2. Crispy Banana Nutella Pancakes – Light and fluffy pancakes topped with sliced bananas, Nutella, and a sprinkle of powdered sugar.
  3. Classic Mimosa – A refreshing combination of sparkling wine and freshly squeezed orange juice.

Indulge in the bold flavors of the \ “South of the Border” menu and let your taste buds take a culinary journey to far-off destinations. Whether you \’re craving something spicy, savory, or sweet, our menu has something for everyone. Join us today and experience the authentic taste of the border!


  • Slices of golden toasted bread topped with honey and sprinkled with almonds.
  • Croutons made from fresh bread served with a drizzle of onion and garlic mayo.
  • Huevos Rancheros: Tortillas filled with scrambled eggs and refried beans and topped with salsa fresca
  • English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich: Homemade muffin filled with crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, and melted jack cheese.
  • Vegetarian Burrito: Homemade tortilla filled with rice, black beans, diced onions, and peppers
  • Belgian Waffle: Extra-thick waffle served with whipped cream and a choice of strawberry or raspberry topping
  • Chicken and Chorizo Hash: Ground chicken and chorizo sautéed with onions, peppers, and hashbrowns
  • Nutella Banana Wrap: Fresh tortilla filled with Nutella, sliced bananas, and shredded coconut

Tortitas y gofres

Our Pancakes and Waffles menu offers a delicious variety of sweet and savory options to satisfy your cravings. Start your day with a plate of fluffy pancakes or golden waffles topped with your favorite ingredients.

For a sweet treat, try our Nutella and strawberry pancakes. These heavenly stacks of fluffy pancakes are generously smothered in creamy Nutella and topped with fresh strawberries. Indulge in each bite and experience a burst of flavors that will leave you craving more.

If you prefer a savory option, our Three Cheese Waffles are perfect. These crispy waffles blend cheddar, jack, and Mexican cheese, giving them a gooey and flavorful center. Served with a side of salsa and homefries, these waffles are a delightful twist to the classic breakfast dish.

Our Poblano and Sausage Pancakes are a must-try for those who like spicy food. These fluffy pancakes are filled with chopped poblano peppers and savory sausage, giving them a kick of heat and a burst of flavor. Topped with a sunny-side-up egg and a tangy salsa, these pancakes are a fiesta in your mouth.

If you \’re in the mood for something more traditional, our Classic Buttermilk Pancakes are always a good choice. Made with a secret recipe passed down through generations, these pancakes are light, fluffy, and perfect for any pancake lover. Served with your choice of toppings, such as maple syrup, powdered sugar, or whipped cream, they satisfy your cravings.

For waffle enthusiasts, our Blueberry Waffles are a delightful option. These golden waffles are bursting with juicy blueberries and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Served with a side of whipped cream and fresh fruit, these waffles are a refreshing and flavorful way to start your day.

And for those who want a little bit of everything, our Pancake and Waffle Sampler is the perfect choice. This platter includes a stack of pancakes, a waffle, and a side of bacon or sausage. It \’s ideal for sharing or for those who can’t decide between pancakes and waffles.

So come and join us for a delicious breakfast or brunch experience. Our Pancakes and Waffles menu will satisfy your cravings and leave you with a smile.

Torrijas y crepes

Indulge in our delectable French Toast and Crepes menu. Explore the perfect blend of flavors and textures crafted with care and passion. Each dish uses fresh, high-quality ingredients to ensure a memorable dining experience.

Sweet Crepes

Our sweet crepes are the epitome of indulgence. Savor the delicate layers of buttery brioche or lightly toasted sourdough filled with a choice of mouthwatering fillings. Please choose from classic toppings like homemade strawberry salsa, caramelized bananas, or diced blueberries tossed in balsamic glaze.

Savory Crepes

For those who prefer a savory twist, our range of savory crepes will satisfy your cravings. Please dig into our flavorful crepes with various options, including buffalo chicken strips with creamy ranchero sauce, refried black beans, cheddar cheese, or our famous carne asada crepe with tangy salsa.

We offer refreshing agave-infused smoothies, freshly squeezed orange juice, or a flight of craft beers to complement your meal. Start your day with hearty entrees like the classic English breakfast or our signature Eggs Benedict with applewood-smoked bacon and hollandaise sauce.

Complete your meal with our famous French Toast selection. Indulge in our extra-thick slices of home-style bread coated in a crispy vanilla-almond crust. Served with a whipped cream dollop and maple syrup drizzle, every bite is blissful.

Whether you \’re in the mood for a traditional French crepe or a twist on the classics, our French Toast and Crepes menu offers something for everyone. Join us for a taste of heaven at Main Menu!


  • Bacon Biscuit: A savory biscuit served with crispy bacon and sausage.
  • Extra-Thick Border Salad: A refreshing combination of olives, berries, and stuffed olives.
  • White Lemon Espresso Salad: A zesty salad with croutons, bell peppers, spinach, and refried beans.
  • Stuffed Sandwich: A delicious sandwich filled with crepes, burrito, and carne.
  • Banana Agave Yogurt: A creamy yogurt topped with bananas, agave, and crunchy granola.
  • Three-Cheese Fries: Crispy fries topped with melted jack, cheddar, and American cheese.
  • Eggs Benedict Skillet: A mouthwatering combination of cheese, sourdough, greens, caramelized onions, and strawberries.
  • Onion Rings Mimosa: Crispy onion rings served with a tangy mimosa sauce.
  • Powdered Greek Salad: A refreshing salad sprinkled with powdered cheese, greek olives, and almonds.
  • Sunny Shot Smoothie: Choose a bright orange or vanilla smoothie to start your day.
  • Hash Brown Burrito: A hearty burrito filled with scrambled eggs, hash browns, and your choice of meat.
  • Tossed Home Salad: A vibrant salad with fresh-baked croutons, coconut, black olives, and diced tomatoes.
  • Chorizo Homemade Buffalo Rice: Spicy chorizo mixed with homemade buffalo rice and sprinkled with almonds.


Our menu offers a variety of mouthwatering burgers made from the finest ingredients:

1. Golden Beef Burger

A juicy beef patty topped with melted cheddar, served on a brioche bun. It was served with a side of golden home fries.

2. Berry Turkey Burger

A turkey patty topped with blueberry compote and sliced almonds, served on a brioche bun. They were served with mixed greens tossed in a balsamic dressing.

3. Ranchero Vegetarian Burger

A vegetarian patty made with black beans and corn, topped with fresh pico de Gallo, drizzled with sriracha mayo and served on a whole wheat bun.

4. Nutella Banana Burger

An indulgent burger made with a patty of mashed bananas and Nutella, topped with sliced strawberries, and served on a brioche bun.

5. Blueberry Bacon Burger

A classic beef patty topped with blueberry compote, crispy bacon, and melted blue cheese. Served on a brioche bun with a side of sweet potato fries.

Each burger is made to order and served with regular or sweet potato fries. All burgers can be customized with additional toppings at an extra charge.

Sandwiches Wraps

Try our delicious sandwiches and wraps packed with a variety of flavors. Served with crispy golden fries, they are perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.


1. Snapper Sandwich:

Grilled snapper, topped with tangy tomato and onion rings, served on a soft homemade bun.

2. Buffalo Chicken Sandwich:

Crispy chicken smothered in spicy buffalo sauce, topped with lettuce, tomato, and homemade ranch dressing, served on a grilled bun.

3. Turkey Club Sandwich:

Layers of succulent turkey, crispy bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayo, served on toasted whole wheat bread.


1. Greek Wrap:

Fresh greens, sliced olives, and feta cheese wrapped in a soft tortilla with a tangy Greek yogurt dressing.

2. Coconut Snapper Wrap:

Golden fried snapper, coconut rice, and tropical peppers, wrapped in a warm tortilla, served with tangy pineapple salsa.

3. Vegetarian Wrap:

A medley of grilled vegetables, refried beans, and melted cheese wrapped in a tortilla and served with homemade guacamole.

Choose any of these delicious sandwiches or wraps and enjoy a flavorful and satisfying meal. Don’t forget to pair it with a refreshing mimosa or a freshly brewed espresso!

Fresh Salads Soups

Our menu features a delicious variety of fresh salads and soups that will tantalize your taste buds. From refreshing salads to hearty and flavorful soups, we have something for everyone.

  • En Tiki Salad is a tropical delight with mixed greens, tiki-marinated chicken, and a zesty pineapple dressing.
  • Pruebe nuestro Crepes Soup – a creamy blend of crepes and vegetables in a flavorful broth for a light option.
  • Indulge in the Tortillas Soup – a traditional Mexican soup with crispy tortilla strips, avocado, and melted cheese.
  • Start your day with our delicious Eggs Scrambled – fluffy scrambled eggs with toppings like bacon, mushrooms, or spinach.
  • Pruebe nuestro Sartén belga – a hearty and satisfying breakfast skillet with hash browns, eggs, and your choice of toppings.
  • En Chopped Salad is a refreshing mix of romaine lettuce, chicken, avocado, cherry tomatoes, and a tangy dressing.
  • Satisfy your cravings with our Bloody Huevos Salad – a combination of crispy tortilla strips, eggs, black beans, and a spicy jalapeño salsa.
  • Enjoy a taste of the tropics with our Coconut Country Turkey – a salad with tender turkey, coconut flakes, and a tangy orange juice dressing.
  • Pruebe nuestro Rings and Sandwiches – a salad with onion rings, breaded chicken, and a creamy mushroom mayo dressing for a light and refreshing option.

With our selection of fresh salads and soups, you can choose the perfect option to satisfy your cravings and keep you feeling good. Visit the Main Menu today and discover your new favorite salad or soup!


Indulge in a refreshing selection of beverages to complement your meal at Main Menu. From classic favorites to unique creations, we have something to satisfy every taste.

Bebida Descripción
Skillet Stuffed with Vegetables A delicious blend of sautéed spinach, diced tomatoes, and chopped almonds served with a side of country-style dressing.
English Breakfast Tea A traditional blend of black teas, perfect for starting your day or enjoying as an afternoon pick-me-up.
Applewood-Smoked Bacon Coffee Enjoy the rich and smoky flavor of applewood-smoked bacon infused into freshly brewed coffee. It \’s a unique twist on a classic beverage.
Vanilla Bean Frappuccino A creamy and indulgent frozen beverage made with real vanilla beans and topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of chopped almonds.
Jalapeño Margarita Spice up your day with this refreshing margarita, made with fresh jalapeños and served with a side of sriracha for an extra kick.
Blueberry Mint Lemonade Cool off with the fresh, fruity combination of blueberries, mint leaves, and zesty lemonade—a perfect choice for a hot summer day.

At Main Menu, we also offer a variety of beer flights, wine flights, and other alcoholic beverages to enhance your dining experience. Please ask your server for the current selections and offerings.


Discover our refreshing selection of juices made from the freshest ingredients. Our juices are ideal for starting your day or enjoying as a midday pick-me-up. Each juice is carefully crafted to provide a flavor that will invigorate your senses.

Onion and Spinach Juice

Indulge in this energizing juice’s unique combination of savory onions and fresh spinach. Sip on this flavorful blend’s goodness and enjoy its numerous health benefits. Savor each sip as you nourish your body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Balsamic Orange Juice

Experience this invigorating juice’s delightful fusion of tangy balsamic and sweet orange. The combination of flavors creates a harmonious balance that will tantalize your taste buds. Sip on this refreshing concoction and get a boost of vitamin C.

Cilantro and Strawberry Juice

Step into the world of bold flavors with this vibrant juice. The fresh taste of cilantro perfectly complements the sweetness of strawberries, creating a unique and delicious blend. Allow the crispness of the strawberries to refresh your palate and invigorate your senses.

Vanilla Raspberry Smoothie

Indulge in the lusciousness of this creamy smoothie filled with the flavors of vanilla and raspberries. The smooth and velvety texture combined with the fruity raspberry tang creates a delightful taste sensation. Take a sip and be transported to a world of pure bliss.

Carrot and Beetroot Juice

Savor the sweetness of carrots combined with the earthy richness of beetroot in this vibrant juice. Each sip will give your body a potent dose of vitamins, antioxidants, and essential nutrients. Start your day with this nutritious juice and feel the energy flow.

  • Onion and Spinach Juice – A savory blend topped with fresh onion slices.
  • Balsamic Orange Juice – A tangy twist on a classic.
  • Cilantro and Strawberry Juice – A refreshing and unique combination.
  • Vanilla Raspberry Smoothie – Creamy and fruity delight.
  • Carrot and Beetroot Juice – Earthy and nourishing with a hint of sweetness.

At Main Menu, we believe in the power of natural ingredients to create tasty and nutritious juices. Experience the goodness and freshness in every sip. Try our juices today and embark on a journey of revitalization.


We are looking for a refreshing beverage to accompany your meal. Look no further than our extensive drink menu. From classics to creative concoctions, we have something for everyone.

Start your day off right with one of our freshly brewed coffees. Whether you prefer a smooth Americano or a bold espresso shot, we \’ve got you covered. Want something a little sweeter? Try our homemade whipped cream-topped Belgian waffles with a steaming cup of coffee. It \’s the perfect combination to satisfy your morning cravings.

Are you feeling thirsty? Quench your thirst with our selection of juices and smoothies. From tangy orange juice to tropical coconut smoothies, we have a variety of flavors to choose from. Try our refreshing grapefruit juice with a sprinkle of powdered sugar for a healthy option. It \’s a delightful way to start your day.

If you \’re in the mood for something a little more substantial, we have a wide range of alcoholic beverages. Sip a Bloody Mary with crispy bacon and pickled peppers for a classic brunch cocktail. Or opt for one of our Mexican-inspired drinks like the spicy Jalapeño Margarita or the refreshing Paloma. You can also try our selection of local craft beers for a taste of the region.

Are we looking for an energizing pick-me-up? Try our energy-boosting smoothies packed with fresh fruits and yogurt. The Berry Blast, with its mix of black raspberry and blueberry, is a favorite among our customers. For those who prefer a protein-packed option, we offer a variety of smoothies with added whey or plant-based protein.

Are you feeling adventurous? Order our famous \ “Drink Up” challenge. It \’s a towering masterpiece consisting of layered drinks topped with whipped cream and a cherry. Finish the entire drink in under 5 minutes, and it \’s on the house! Are you up for the challenge?

So whether you \’re in the mood for a light and refreshing beverage, a bold and flavorful cocktail, or an energizing smoothie, our drink menu has it all. Come on in and drink up!

Cerveza burbujeante

Welcome to Bubbly Beer, the ultimate destination for beer lovers! In addition to our extensive selection of beers, we offer a variety of mouthwatering dishes to complement your brew. Whether you \’re in the mood for a hearty sandwich or a light and refreshing salad, we have something for everyone.

Breakfast Options

Start your day off right with our delicious breakfast options. Indulge in our extra-thick scrambled eggs served with crispy hashbrowns, or choose our artisan yogurt topped with fresh strawberries and sour cream. Try our poblano chicken breakfast tortilla, filled with refried beans and homemade salsa, for something more savory.


Our sandwiches are the perfect choice for a midday meal. Sink your teeth into our mouthwatering applewood-smoked cheddar and chicken sandwich, topped with caramelized onions and a tangy beer-infused dressing. If you prefer a vegetarian option, our crispy hashbrown sandwich with grilled peppers and onions will satisfy you.

Pair your sandwich with a side of golden fries, or opt for our homemade whipped cheddar and jalapeño hashbrowns for an extra kick.

Salads and Sides

For a lighter option, our salads are packed with flavor. Try our country greens salad with blueberries, almonds, and a raspberry vinaigrette dressing, or indulge in our buffalo chicken salad with chopped celery, blue cheese, and a zesty sriracha dressing.

Don’t forget to add a side of our crispy beer-battered onion rings or roasted poblano cheese fries topped with melted cheddar and cilantro for the perfect accompaniment to your meal.

Finish off your meal with something sweet. Our homemade caramel and Nutella bread pudding is the perfect way to end your Bubbly Beer experience.

Join us today and experience the best beer and food pairing in town. Cheers!


Welcome to our Coffee Bar, where you can find various delicious beverages and snacks to satisfy your cravings. Whether you \’re looking for a refreshing smoothie, a piping hot cup of coffee, or a light and fluffy pastry, we \’ve got you covered. Come in and experience the perfect combination of flavors and aromas to transport you to a world of pure bliss.

Here are some of our mouthwatering offerings:

Bebidas Snacks
Golden ground coffee Hollandaise stuffed sandwich
Blueberry mimosa Chicken with blueberries
Strawberry smoothie Bloody Mary shot
Whipped vanilla latte Corned beef and tajin tortillas
Jalapeño infused coffee Cilantro and tomato crepes
Canadian bacon and eggs Country-style croutons with ranch dressing
Raspberry iced tea Cheddar and onion biscuit
Whisky-infused coffee flight Stuffed tortilla with chorizo and kalamata olives
Fresh-baked blueberry muffin Vegetarian benedict with avocado and tomato
Tiki cocktail with coconut rum Crispy grapefruit and balsamic salad

Indulge in our delectable creations and let your taste buds dance with delight. Our coffee bar is the perfect place to start your day or take a break from the hustle and bustle. We take pride in using only the freshest ingredients and preparing everything in-house to ensure top-notch quality. Join us and experience the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the warm ambiance that will make you feel right at home.

Un buen momento

Indulge your taste buds in a unique and unforgettable dining experience with our \ “A Bloody Good Time” menu. This menu will satisfy even the most discerning palates, from tantalizing entrees to refreshing beverages.

Savory Starters

Begin your morning with our delicious bacon-wrapped stuffed jalapenos. These bite-sized treats are filled with a creamy mixture of cheddar and cilantro and wrapped in crispy bacon for the perfect combination of flavors.

For a vegetarian option, try our black bean and rice burrito. Filled with flavorful black beans, rice, and spicy poblano peppers, this burrito will surely please even the most dedicated carnivores.

Sweet Delights

Indulge in our homemade strawberry and lemon crepes. These delicate crepes are filled with a whipped strawberry and lemon filling and topped with powdered sugar for a truly decadent treat.

If you prefer something refreshing, our blueberry and raspberry smoothie will surely hit the spot. Made with fresh blueberries and raspberries, this smoothie is a perfect balance of tart and sweet.

Heart-Pumping Cocktails

Start your day with a bang by trying our \ “Bloody Maria” cocktail. A unique twist on the classic Bloody Mary, this cocktail replaces vodka with tequila for a bold and spirited kick. Served with a shot of homemade salsa and garnished with a slice of crispy bacon, this drink is not for the faint of heart.

The \ “American Mimosa” is a must-try for those who prefer a classic. Made with fresh orange juice and sparkling champagne, this mimosa is the perfect blend of sweet and bubbly.

No matter what your taste buds crave, our \ “A Bloody Good Time” menu has something for everyone. So come on down and join us for a truly unforgettable dining experience!

Question and answer:

What does the \ “Main Menu” include?

The \ “Main Menu” includes various options such as appetizers, main courses, desserts, and beverages.

Can I customize the items in the \ “Main Menu”?

Unfortunately, customization of items in the \ “Main Menu” is unavailable. However, you can always ask the staff for any specific dietary requirements.

Do they offer vegetarian options in the \ “Main Menu”?

Yes, the \ “Main Menu” does include vegetarian options. You can find a variety of delicious vegetarian dishes to choose from.

Are special discounts available for the \ “Main Menu”?

The availability of special discounts for the \ “Main Menu” may vary. It is best to check with the restaurant or refer to their website to determine if discounts are currently offered.

Can I order from the \ “Main Menu” for delivery?

You can order items from the \ “Main Menu” for delivery. Check the restaurant \’s website or contact them directly to inquire about their delivery options.

What features does the \ “Main Menu” have?

The \ “Main Menu” has various features, including a user-friendly interface, customizable options, and easy navigation.

Can I add my items to the \ “Main Menu”?

You can easily add items to the \ “Main Menu” and customize them according to your preferences and needs.



Michael Williams

I recently tried the \ “Main Menu” at a local restaurant, and I must say, it was a delightful experience. The menu offered various options, from classic English dishes to exotic ones. I ordered the strawberries and brioche, a perfect balance of sweetness and fluffiness. The full corned beef breakfast entree was a highlight, with tender strips of meat sprinkled with Tajin seasoning. The romaine and spinach salad was filled with fresh ingredients and a delicious artisan balsamic dressing. As for drinks, I highly recommend the espresso mimosa. The combination of smooth espresso and bubbly champagne was a real treat.

The blueberry and caramel smoothie, made with fresh-baked blueberry muffins and topped with whipped cream, was equally satisfying. For the main course, I opted for the snapper skillet. The rice was perfectly toasted, and the snapper was cooked to perfection. The dish was topped with a flavorful tomato and poblano sauce. I also tried their famous breakfast burrito, which was stuffed with cheese, potato, and a selection of toppings like black olives, jalapenos, and onions. The burrito was crispy and filling, and the honey jalapeno hollandaise sauce gave it a spicy kick. I couldn’t resist the applewood-smoked bacon topped with a side of home fries and a slice of coconut cream pie to finish the meal. The bacon was perfectly cooked and had a nice smoky flavor, while the homefries were light and crispy. The coconut cream pie was the perfect way to end the meal, with its creamy filling and toasted almonds garnish. Overall, the Main Menu at this restaurant was a true culinary delight. The flavors were unique, and the dishes were expertly prepared. I can’t wait to go back and try more of their delicious offerings.


I recently tried the Main Menu, and I must say, it was delicious! The buffalo strips with black brioche were a unique combination I hadn’t tried before, and it worked well. The grapefruit sriracha and Tajin potato strips served on the side were the perfect subtracts to the dish. The ranchero drizzle added a nice kick of flavor, and the vanilla agave slice on top added a sweetness. The white honey caramel and Kalamata tossed golden pepper cilantro salad drizzled with lemon was refreshing and went perfectly with the buffalo strips. The menu also offers a variety of other options, such as the beer-battered chorizo fruit wrap with fresh-baked spinach and poblano jalapeño mayo. The Wycliff bell pepper beef benedict is also a must-try, with its crispy spirit salsa and snapper sour cream. The extra-thick bread with eggs and cheese benedict is an excellent option for breakfast lovers. And if you \’re feeling adventurous, add a shot of Bloody Mary or Nutella mushroom sandwich. Overall, I had a fantastic experience at Main Menu. The food was flavorful and well-prepared, and the ambiance was cozy. I recommend it to anyone looking for a good meal with a twist.


I recently tried the \ “Main Menu” and was highly impressed with their varied dishes. The sriracha jack chicken sandwich, with tender chicken and flavorful onions, stood out. The powdered scrambled eggs tasted homemade and were delicious, paired with the fruit and beef crepes. I loved the lightly fried onion rings and hollandaise sauce on the sourdough benedicts. The agave spirit tiki beer was a unique and refreshing drink option. The ground almond-filled Belgian waffles with diced fresh fruit and whipped cream were a sweet treat. The Wycliff sunny fresca dressing on the corned beef burrito added a tangy kick. The artisan Greek salsa on the fresh slice of lemon was a delightful combination. The benedicts with turkey and hollandaise were another favorite of mine. The whipped golden bananas on the snapper potato was a delicious twist. I enjoyed the sprinkled bell pepper and tomato-based brut mushroom shot. The espresso subtracts topped with fresh-baked slices of Mexican fries were a unique and delightful combination. The berry smoothie with a choice of yogurt and honey or applewood-smoked bacon was a satisfying treat for dessert. Overall, the Main Menu offers a wide selection of creative and flavorful dishes that cater to various tastes. I highly recommend trying it out for a delicious and satisfying meal experience.

Isabella Taylor

I recently tried the Main Menu, and I must say I was impressed. The ranchero cheese subtracts were delicious, especially with the sautéed carne. The strips of bacon added a nice touch to the dish. For dessert, I had the banana burrito with homemade caramel, which was heavenly. The entrees were excellent, and I opted for the homemade eggs Benedict with salsa and refried beans. The English muffins were toasted perfectly, and the hollandaise sauce was creamy. The side of homefries added a nice touch. I also enjoyed the strawberry yogurt with free-range artisan honey. The white chocolate drizzle on top was delicious. Overall, the Main Menu offers various delicious options with a touch of creativity. I highly recommend trying their dishes.


As a real customer, I would like to review the \ “Main Menu” product. I recently had the homemade extra-thick hollandaise sauce served on my dish, and it was absolutely delicious. The whipped sautéed bacon and applewood-smoked bacon added a flavorful twist to the dish. The fresh chopped bell peppers and breakfast strips were perfectly seasoned and cooked to perfection. I opted for the brioche white banana crepes, which were a golden treat. The almonds added a nice crunch to each bite. The country-style home fries were a great side that didn’t subtract from the meal. The option to choose from different benedicts and entrees was a nice touch. The Bloody Mary was also on point, with its flavorful Tajin rim and crispy bacon. The refills of the craft beer were a nice bonus. The sour strawberry dressing stuffed into the artisan berry flight tortilla was a drizzle of heaven.

The mushroom and cheddar skillet was mouthwatering, and the blueberry and black vanilla corned beef Benedict was a unique twist on a classic dish. The side of strawberries and sunny slices added freshness to the plate. The charge for extra fries was worth it, as they were perfectly crispy and well-seasoned. The caramel espresso-filled Belgian waffle was a sweet ending to the meal. The jalapeño chicken sandwich with Kalamata mayo and romaine lettuce was a flavor explosion. I couldn’t resist trying the cranberry-stuffed French toast, a delightful treat. Overall, the \ “Main Menu” offers a wide variety of delicious options that cater to all taste preferences. I highly recommend trying it out!


I recently tried the Main Menu, and it was a fantastic experience! The variety of options and flavors was outstanding. First, I started with the Tiki salad, which had tossed Kalamata olives and creamy mayo dressing. The Greek Benedict was a revelation, with perfectly scrambled eggs and a spirit of Mediterranean flavors. The sandwiches were also top-notch, especially the cranberry turkey wrap and the caramelized onion brioche burger. The garnish of sour cream and crispy bacon added the perfect touch. For a lighter option, I tried the Huevos Rancheros crepes, which were stuffed with fresh tomato salsa and served with golden potato hash. The blueberry smoothie was a refreshing addition to my meal. As for drinks, I highly recommend the extra-thick bloody Mary and the mimosa with a shot of espresso. The Main Menu truly offers something for everyone, from delicious entrees to satisfying sandwiches. I will be returning for more of their mouthwatering dishes!
